Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] and [verb] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Valdemar was extremely helpful and took the next day off work to show us some of the local birds .
2 While the morphology of the single crystals grown from dilute solutions may be more regular and resemble the first model , for polymers that are crystallized from the melt ( and this is by far the more important procedure technically ) the mass of evidence tends to favour a form of the switchboard model .
3 No one likes to be outsmarted , and the man who loses out once will be that much more aggressive and determined the next time , although others may react by refusing to deal with those that they do n't know and trust .
4 It 's as famous and disturbing a last shot as that of All Quiet On The Western Front .
5 Erm the er most important item I think Chairman is the work programme for the future year which commences at erm about twelve and forms the second half of the report and I would be very happy to deal with any questions and it is very clearly in the light of things that we 've already said , the first part of er that latter half of the report er which er emphasises the erm principal activities er to the department er that of strategic policy in paragraphs thirteen one , thirteen two and thirteen three are therefore perhaps the areas to which I would er draw you attention er most , but the report as whole is er I hope a reasonably succinct summary of what has gone on or what is proposed to be done and er in order to avoid simply what is already in the report , I , I would leave it at that point and say I 'm happy to deal with any questions .
6 The ‘ council movement ’ was especially vigorous , and was widely debated among socialists in the years immediately preceding and following the First World War ( Renner , 1921 ; Pribicevic , 1959 ) ; and more recently it again aroused growing interest as a result of the experience of workers ' self-management in Yugoslavia , some tentative steps in that direction in other East European countries during the 1970s , and the formulation of ideas about ‘ participatory democracy ’ that arose from the new social movements of the late 1960s .
7 He retired from the imperial throne in AD 305 and spent the last nine years of his life in cultivating the soil of his native Dalmatia , constructing the city which still forms the heart of modern Split and , according to Gibbon , enjoying the ‘ most exquisite trout ’ which were bred in ‘ the little stream of the Hyader ’ ( now the Jadro ) .
8 Aunt Lilian and Aunt Kit walked into the nearest shop whenever their clothes became too shabby and bought the first thing that fitted them ; if they debated , it would only be about a garment 's staying power .
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