Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [is] [adv] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 So that 's usually the way things happen , the president ca n't spell out things and dot the Is and cross the Ts .
2 Depression : " My efforts are useless and there is nothing I can do " v. Acceptance : " Perhaps this is just the way it is and my life must go on " .
3 Well that 's often the way is n't it ?
4 I do n't know , maybe that 's just the way it 's done over there .
5 Perhaps the charge that attitudinism makes ethics peculiarly irrational is merely a way of saying that it denies that there is such a thing as objective ethical truth .
6 Yet this is exactly the way in which people do speak , especially ‘ in a state of excitement ’ , as any tape-recorder can prove .
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