Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] [noun] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What about the situation in which , on the one hand , many households have no contact with wage labour and are wholly dependent for reproduction on state benefits and , on the other , wage labour has penetrated far further into other households because of the importance of female employment ?
2 At the moment museums are only exempt from VAT on income generated from the display of their permanent collections .
3 There are so many on sale on sale
4 It is interesting to observe that hydrogen , oxygen , nitrogen and carbon , which are so important to life on Earth , are all of low atomic number .
5 He 's less ready with smiles on demand — he 'll decide whether he 's going to give a gummy grin or not !
6 On the database side , Unify is currently waiting to see how object technology develops before it makes a move , but is already hard at work on object extensions to its tools , the first of which are expected to emerge next year .
7 In February 1991 , they were released , but are still subject to restrictions on freedom of movement and association .
8 Is the Secretary of State more concerned with patients on waiting lists or with headlines on waiting lists ?
9 Until they met yesterday in the quarter-finals of the £275,000 Silk Cut Championships , their first encounter since the semi-finals in Paris , the Soviet No.1 Andrei Chesnokov believed that Chang was more susceptible to power on carpet and cement .
10 They looked just like the Dead raised to life on Judgement Day , brought out of their graves and tombs , or cast up by the sea as it dried up utterly .
11 This is also good for rugs on wood or hard floors .
12 Swanson is also involved in studies on fabrication techniques for III/V ICs .
13 Probably , in his youth , some tone deaf colleague had told him that he possessed a good voice , ever since when , he would arise at every opportunity , usually by reluctant request , and then po-faced with hand on heart , would bellow ‘ Come into the garden Maude ’ , watched by a captive audience and a proud , watery-eyed wife .
14 Lying there naked with Frances on top of me .
15 With the world 's transport systems not prepared to align themselves with Athletico training sessions or match kick-offs , Homstat was sometimes absent for weeks on end , giving team talks with the aid of an interpreter over the telephone , or he would be a lone , pathetic figure , sat in the dug-out on a wet Monday morning urging on thin air .
16 Gardeners and herders were mostly immune from controls on marketing since they marketed relatively little , often only on a casual basis .
17 The Law Society becomes a recognizing authority under the new scheme and so will be able to recognize a solicitor as qualified as an advocate in a particular court or courts , again subject to rules on education , training and conduct which will parallel the arrangements for the Bar .
18 With the growing fears of the Cold War , JPL became very heavily involved in work on missile technology .
19 The number of editions of these two publications , eight of the Dictionary and six of its Abridgement in Miller 's lifetime provides clear evidence of Kalm 's sweeping statement that this was the most sought after book on horticulture .
20 She passed Seb Smith 's house one evening in the spring , taking a new route when exercising Midnight , and stopped to look over the hedge ( too high for nosers on foot ) into the Smith grounds .
21 Considered a must-win state , with its vital 21 electoral votes , it was too close to call on election eve .
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