Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] [adv] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Our country , as a nation , has a spirit and will — it is much bigger than merely the mechanisms of markets .
2 121 yachts had their rigging and sails checked one last time and then crews pottered about anxiously , generating an atmosphere of nervousness so pervasive that even the spectators felt tense .
3 Pauchling the figures has gone on for so long that even the newscasters have got sloppy , mostly failing to add the rider that the bald headcount does not include anybody excluded from claiming benefit for whatever reason .
4 Houses , particularly in Western society , confer upon their occupants much more than merely the roofs over their heads ; they involve status and an expression of place in society .
5 The series is a variation of Hans Christian Andersen 's fable of the Emperor — and it is more rather than less pointed because here the clothes are fabulous .
6 The vegetation that has not yet been destroyed by the goats and donkeys seems a mass of sharp thorns , and in some places it is so thick that even the goats can get through only on their knees .
7 The marshes of Essex , he said , were so right-wing that even the newsagents were white .
8 The British music business is extremely competitive and only the bands who are prepared to commit themselves totally to their careers will succeed .
9 The force on the mobile charges is still qE but now the charges may follow the electric field all the way around the ring .
10 The Latvians had fascists who were more vicious than even the Germans .
11 It is clear , therefore , that the 70 or so institutions which call themselves colleges or institutes of higher education comprise a sector of higher education which is more diverse than either the universities or polytechnics .
12 I do n't think that er , I think that unfortunately some of the older doctors definitely were misinformed and were n't educated and I think nowadays that the doctors are becoming very much more educated and perhaps the ones who have the bad time are the fortunate ones in so far as they 're getting the hormone replacement therapy if they 're lucky and they have sympathetic general practitioner .
13 Further , his total avoidance of arianism is held to have made him more acceptable to the catholic Gallo-Romans , than were the other kings of his generation , and to have helped ensure that the Franks were more successful than either the Burgundians or the Visigoths .
14 The national priorities are predominantly concerned with the development of areas of the curriculum seen as economically useful and neither the humanities nor the arts are included in this category .
15 It is also clear that neither the inductivists nor the falsificationists give an account of science that is compatible with it .
16 Some thoughtful Germans , such as Volker Rühe , general secretary of the ruling Christian Democrats , argue that now more than ever the Europeans should speed moves to form a multinational force that includes German soldiers .
17 Even less than elsewhere the soloists ' heavy vibrato and occasional portamentos hardly match the idea of a movement inspired at one remove from Bach 's supreme example .
18 This is quite correct and yet the preferences of green consumers are already impairing sales of poor-world wares like palm oil , coffee and sugar .
19 He would be so stunningly boring that even the bankers , account executives , product managers and stockbrokers he counted as his friends would start to back away from him .
20 The day had been hot ; in fact , the previous week had been very hot and so the roads and streets were paved with ridged flags of mud , hardbaked , but not so hard as to prevent their surfaces being skimmed off into dust which , in some streets of the town , seemed to be floating waist high like a mist rising from water .
21 The fire which had started early that morning must have been very fierce as only the walls were left standing and from the ruins there was that horrible fire-damp smell which pervades the site for weeks after such an occurrence .
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