Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] [that] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But even if we assume that it is sound at an abstract philosophical level , it would be extremely dubious to assert that this theory can justify our present practices of punishment or anything like them .
2 It would be only natural to suppose that this order should apply not only to the laws , but also to the conditions at the boundary of space-time that specify the initial state of the universe .
3 It is only fair to add that this kind of language finds less favour with some modern experimenters .
4 It is extremely difficult to believe that this cult did not have political overtones .
5 It is extremely tempting to suppose that this picture and the Centauromachy and Amazonomachy on the other vase are copied from three of the murals in the Theseion .
6 It is also usually appropriate to emphasise that this work will be carried out by non — MAS teams and will be governed by separate terms of engagement .
7 It is also important to stress that this reclaiming of Coward as relevant to gay culture is very different from the limiting ways in which some heterosexual critics have mobilized the fact of his sexuality .
8 As we shall see , many of the controversies and conflicts which permeate contemporary rural life either stem from this fundamental change in the social composition of most villages or are exacerbated by it ; but it is also important to remember that this transformation has been provoked by preceding changes in the economic and social organization of agriculture .
9 The case of Scottish badminton player , Anthony Gallagher , was well publicised just before the Commonwealth Games and the Home Office is clearly concerned to ensure that this situation does not arise again .
10 He hinted at the unlikelihood of Jack Pertwee 's being married that day and was inwardly amused to observe that this piece of information — the fact that Carter would be deprived of his cold chicken and champagne — distressed him more than Hatton 's death .
11 Voices have sometimes been heard to question or deny the validity of this requirement but , while it is probably true to say that this issue has not been central in the cases since Thomson v. Deakin , the necessity for unlawful means has been so consistently repeated in subsequent statements of the law that it is now hopeless to argue the contrary .
12 Now this means that this part of the globe the bit nearest to the moon will have more than it 's fair share of gravity because it 's got the gravity of the earth and it 's got the gravity of the moon pulling all the sea which will cause the erm sea to bulge up in this region .
13 We are now pleased to announce that this exclusion has been removed and all members who suffer from disabilities or diseases can now apply for insurance under the scheme .
14 In principle , it would be quite possible to argue that this sense of obligation had weakened , even if the actual volume of support between kin remained at a substantial level , because more people are now in a situation where they need support , and because the economic circumstances of the majority of the population ( by comparison with a century earlier ) are much easier .
15 Here in his own house he was aloof , unsmiling , the man Jenna had first met , and it was almost impossible to believe that this man had held her , kissed her passionately , urged her to come here to stay with him .
16 It is not too much to say that this interpretation of what appears the plain meaning of section 4 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act , 1974 , would make a farce out of the children 's hearing system .
17 Perhaps it is too much to hope that this concert finally dragged the Petersfield Musical Festival into the 20th century , but with a promised appearance by the acclaimed National Youth Jazz Orchestra next year , as well as The Dream of Gerontius , it remains only for the committee to do something about the slow start to the week for the festival to regain some of its former splendour .
18 Fifty years after er the end of second world war , it 's too early to speak that this history should n't have any more influence on German politics .
19 Yet it is very hard to believe that this sort of explanation can account for more than a handful of hoards , if any .
20 They tried to show that the very notion of private property , far from being an ‘ inalienable right ’ as it was stated to be in the American constitution , was , in fact , itself a product of certain unique economic , technical , and social conditions , and it was therefore reasonable to expect that this notion , like others , would be superseded when the associated relations of production changed .
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