Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the coalition , Law was prepared to support its continuation , but he was rarely prepared to argue for concession that would weaken his own party .
2 I 'm only half joking of course when I say that by comparison the rip-offs and the scams and the scandals mean nothing .
3 This was not a lucrative job , but she had had so much to do at home that she could n't undertake anything else .
4 Blown-up extracts from contemporary Paris newspapers , on panels larger than the works of art on display , suggest that the district 's sudden fame was not so much to do with art or philosophy , but the novel phenomenon of la jeunesse .
5 Diatryma seems , after all , to have been a meat-eater , its head reinforced not so much to cut through meat as to cope with the sudden shocks when its bite hit bone .
6 We have so much to learn from youth and community training , as well as our partners overseas .
7 It 's so easy to do in rehearsal and yet , when that moment comes , something happens to your throat .
8 Local transport : Local buses link the various resorts on the lake ; though it 's much nicer to travel by ferry or hydrofoil .
9 And it 's so hard to sift between pro- and anti-abortionists , liberals and reactionaries .
10 Compensation comes later , though ; their heavy bones make black women less likely to suffer from osteoporosis when they 're older .
11 In LBOs , creditors are often also shareholders , making them less likely to jostle for advantage when times get tough .
12 So many talked with warmth and unchallengeable admiration about Ifor : Lauren Bacall in Los Angeles , Brook Williams in Switzerland , Emlyn Williams in London , John Neville in Stratford , Ontario , Kate Burton in New York , Robert Hardy in London — ‘ Ifor , ’ they said , ‘ Ifor was marvellous . ’
13 Now he seems so concerned to guard against roughness or superficiality that a measure of circumspection infects much of the playing .
14 From these later inspections , the proportion of children with problems appears to have been low : for example , of four schools in Shepherds Bush , London , sending 670 children to Pontypridd in June 1940 , there were ‘ only one or two with a few nits ’ ; of 300 children being evacuated from Northwold Road Public Elementary School , in the East End , in June 1940 , only twenty-five were marked as needing special attention ( or 8% ) , comprising one with scabies , five with nits , eight with eneurisis ( bed-wetting ) and eleven with ‘ other conditions ’ ; of 1,211 children going from Stretford ( Manchester ) schools in the same month , only eighty suffered from vermin or nits , and only fourteen from eneurisis .
15 Unfortunately , parts of the original manuscript , especially those dealing with tillage and the management of stock other than sheep , have been lost , but what remains of this farming book comprises the most detailed contemporary account of seventeenth-century farming practice .
16 Furthermore the resulting " socialist man " seemed to have the same needs as his capitalist counterpart for material goods , especially those based on energy and materially intensive technologies .
17 L. Stettner quotes Sachs : She quotes also from other studies to show that these co-operatives are better able to survive under adversity than are conventionally organised plywood manufacturing firms , and why : in a phrase , higher productivity , so much higher as to result in some cases in value added per labour-hour of more than twice that of those firms .
18 Deutsche Aerospace 's size should make it better able to compete in European and international aerospace projects .
19 Older children were less inclined to wait for attention than younger children .
20 It is extremely difficult to say in advance whether or not any particular action or series of actions will be regarded as disorderly conduct .
21 There have been few studies of office automation applications , but projections about specific skill requirements are extremely difficult to make at present because it is as yet quite unclear how office automation will be used .
22 Unfortunately , infinitary rule 2 is likely to be much harder to use in practice than infinitary rule 1 .
23 The facts that it relies on transformation to normal form and uses two separate types of approximation mean that its hypotheses will be much harder to prove by induction than those of the earlier rule .
24 I do n't think they 'd be so anxious to go to war if they did .
25 Phil was so anxious to get to sea that I was finishing typing my report as we entered the lock , and handed it up to the local officer as the seaward lock gate opened .
26 Large lexicons are generally unable to reside in main-memory and the required information must be retrieved from disk .
27 According to this reading , the repetition of episodes and the lack of a linear structure can be regarded as being in keeping with the formal realism of a narrative which is being conducted by someone whose overwrought state of mind colours his perception of the world around him , and who is no longer able to distinguish between imagination and reality .
28 It usually starts because a much-loved mare is no longer able to work under saddle but could perhaps produce a foal .
29 German managers ‘ talk products ’ and manufacturing more than their British colleagues do , and this applies to German managers generally , not just those associated with design and product development .
30 The investor decides on the currency most likely to appreciate against sterling and puts money on deposit in that currency .
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