Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] out the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She knows the kinds of places she likes to work , sleep and eat in , and will instinctively seek out the right type of office , hotel , or restaurant .
2 Recommendations were made that would eventually phase out the broad gauge .
3 Gently squeeze out the excess juice and scoop away the pulp .
4 Finally , Bajazeth offers us perhaps the most complete view of Tamburlaine because these two men are in some ways very similar , and so bring out the true side of Tamburlaine 's character .
5 Do n't entirely rule out the ultimate staging of a joint men 's and women 's event .
6 WHEN it comes to munching mince pies , there is only one expert in the world robust enough to carry out the definitive taste test — Father Christmas .
7 It is essentially a melodic instrument and , though holding-notes in music of light calibre are charming in effect ( especially from or thereabouts with the exception — save in the hands of first-class players — of C ) it can not efface itself sufficiently to carry out the menial task of ‘ filling in notes of the harmony ’ in block writing .
8 The hon. Member for Wiltshire , North ( Mr. Needham ) , the Under-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland , has rightly pointed out the complete disregard for the Geneva convention on the part of the perpetrators of this appalling outrage .
9 Whereas a traditional craftsman would decide what should be done , how it should be done , when it should be done , and to what level of quality , as well as actually executing the task itself , modern management within capitalism takes on all these former conceptual functions , leaving labour merely to carry out the mechanical aspects of performing the manual task .
10 ‘ After 10 years of employment legislation focused on what unions and their members may not do , the Government would do better to spell out the positive rights it believes trade union members are entitled to at the workplace . ’
11 The two clubs have obviously sorted out the wide gap between their respective ideas of the compensation Stoke should receive and it 's now become clear that Macari will be allowed to negotiate his new terms WITH Stoke City 's approval .
12 While the two aircraft commanders get their heads together to sort out the best approach to the problem we have been set , the two pilots sort out the flying side of life .
13 The walls of the cottage were thick enough to shut out the worst sounds of the storm 's buffeting , and even the creaking of doors and rattling of windows could not keep me awake for long .
14 So fill out the direct debit mandate in your subscription package today !
15 I was merely pointing out the underlying logic of this course .
16 Er the point I was making to her was erm in her paper which er was excellent by the way , I forgot to say and I think you put it all very clearly and very nicely , y you , you very nicely set out the basic idea that the consequence and that in principle a male need contribute nothing more than his penis .
17 I can only point out the immoral lifestyle that accompanied his profession and the evidence of spiritual deceit .
18 A sociology of the unconscious would not only point out the unintended consequences of social action , where these are grasped and comprehended in terms of conscious intentions which are then misunderstood , or reinterpreted , by other groups within the social relationships , and which result in outcomes which neither the original intender nor the others could have foreseen .
19 Water well , then carefully remove the container and gently tease out the outer roots , so they do n't develop in the wrong direction .
20 And David in , that psalm which we read earlier , in psalm twenty three , he paints the picture of how the good shepherd , not only seeks out the lost sheep but once he has brought him back , once he has rescued the , a lost sheep , he care for it .
21 So weed out the awful word — organically , of course !
22 I , I , I , I did it , but I only missed out the two people that were away .
23 Thus the same researcher not only carries out the basic work on a new product but — equally important — is out in the market-place looking for and trying to solve customer problems .
24 Another issue , which commentators are keen to see debated widely , is the question of whether the Institute can effectively carry out the dual roles of protecting the interests of both the public and its members .
25 Looking up , she slowly spelt out the faded letters on the broken-off arm of the signpost , and then she had a shock .
26 It is in the myth of Odysseus that they most poignantly figure out the tragic paralysis of the dialectic , and , by extension , the quandary of cultural critique : to steer past the temptations of the Sirens whose fatal song can not be resisted , Odysseus stuffs his men 's ears with wax so that they will not be distracted from their rowing , and binds himself to the mast with orders that he must not be released .
27 The chances are that a management , such as described by Menninger or by myself , who take up a ‘ fight ’ /conflict posture vis-à-vis their workers , thus bring out the latent hostility and anger and push the worker , and themselves , into the rebellious position .
28 We shall win in Brent and Ealing , where we have already turfed out the Labour party , and marginal seats in Wandsworth and Westminster , where people have seen the benefits of Conservative government .
29 Peter Taylor , of the Political Ecology Research Group , has already pointed out the above-average numbers of cases of leukaemia in Barrow , Cumberland and Westmoreland , although he says ; ‘ Any link to the pattern of 1957 fallout can be ruled out because of the very low doses and the nature of the radioactivity . ’
30 It even had a name , he could just make out the tiny print .
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