Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] her [noun sg] for a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How can I not ? ’ he returned savagely , his hands on her shoulders stilling her and seemingly stopping her heart for an instant .
2 She gladly gave her blood for a substantial blood transfusion , and the patient was told after-wards by the doctor , ‘ You owe the fact that you are alive today to the crossing sweeper who first detected a movement in you when you were in the mortuary and then gave her blood for you . ’
3 As she groped towards a chair he made no move towards her but watched her sit down , then bow her head for a moment before slowly raising her eyes to his again when , in a voice that had lost none of its bitterness , she said ‘ Leave me ; but I 'm warning you , I 'll see you dead first , before you take that girl . ’
4 When she was thrown out of her digs he found her a room in Randolph Crescent and to get her on to her feet again paid her rent for a month .
5 Yet it never entered her head for a moment to think that Prince Charles was remotely interested in romance .
6 So I say nothing to Anna ; instead I quietly join her family for a meal .
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