Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] him [prep] [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The chances are that this shyness would have naturally prevented him from attaining such a high profile … but Morrissey slipped through the net and the consequences could be devastating .
2 Perhaps I 'm still punishing him by penning this recollection , or am I perhaps finally laying the ghost ?
3 The man 's Jacobitism clearly prevented him from securing any alternative office , and the division of the collectorship had to be resurrected .
4 Southampton 's magistrates lifted an order temporarily restraining him from entering any Indian restaurant , imposed after he used threatening behaviour in a local tandoori .
5 GM has now accused him of taking industrial secrets as well .
6 He spoke bitterly of the way she left him for another man , a student , when she was 16 then humiliated him by giving intimate details of their affair to the press .
7 For a moment he was n't sure if the sudden give and click was the lock opening or the key breaking but then the door almost unbalanced him by swinging open .
8 He can obtain from the chief executive or clerk of the authority an appropriate form and this will then save him from making repeated disclosures at any time when any matter in which he or his wife is interested is being discussed .
9 Lewis 's Allegory of Love ( 1936 ) , the book that made him known , was almost all written while he was still an atheist ; and his Christian polemics , which began as war-time broadcasts , never prevented him from winning secular admirers .
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