Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] them [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The reward for encouraging all members of staff to be active participants in the decision-making process , so helping them to develop an ownership of the final policy , is that it gives the policy a greater chance of being fully implemented across the curriculum .
2 These times were long enough to enable them to study the behaviour of the plasma and its response to the magnetic forces , necessary first steps along the way to controlled thermonuclear fusion .
3 On arrival they found some of the bones still intact in the side of the hole so enabling them to place the bones in the exact Position in which they had lain .
4 and if lots of people wanted to study law , they 'd all bring them to like a lawyer , say
5 As with cash ratios , banks could hold reserve assets above the statutory minimum , thus helping them to resist a squeeze on reserves ( but not indefinitely ) .
6 In the absence of an analysis of heterosexism , heterosexuals can ( and do ) reduce our gayness or lesbianism to just living with someone of the same sex , thus enabling them to remove the possibility of challenge from our relationships with them .
7 After Trafalgar , Admiralty instructions to the commanders of British men-of-war no longer ordered them to demand a salute from foreign naval vessels in the waters where Britain had for so long claimed such a right .
8 Just tell them to open the doors and get out of the way . ’
9 All winners of certificates and awards were written to individually asking them to check the details on their forms as this was the information that would be used in the presentations .
10 The reason , one supposes , for their usefulness in the wind band rather than the orchestra is no doubt the weight and solidity of tone which overcomes in the former combination any disadvantages which might be caused by the highly individual tone-colour of the saxophones , and thus enables them to enrich the texture and , by their vitality , to add the gaiety and fun which are such marked features of their character , as well as a brand of melancholy particularly to be associated with the alto instrument , hence its occasional use for solo work .
11 When writing to a building society , never omit the mortgage reference number , or there may be some delay in receiving a reply , and if you act for your client 's bank , building society , etc , you will of course normally ask them to send the deeds direct to you ; in such a case include in your letter , if there is an existing mortgage to be discharged on completion ( as there will be in the case of a building society and may be in the case of a bank ) , an undertaking to hold the deeds on behalf of the bank or society , to return them on demand , not to part with the same except on completion of the sale , and to discharge the society 's mortgage .
12 He said : ‘ The Tories have slashed the value of their houses — but still expect them to pay the council tax as if nothing has happened .
13 It would now be an act of political madness further to raise them to support the pound ( as indeed it would be to sacrifice more of our reserves to the same purpose ) .
14 We also asked them to name the party they thought best on economic matters for themselves and their families , for Britain as a whole , and for the unemployed .
15 This probably allows them to detect the noise of predators .
16 He thought Jibril had probably used them to confuse the chase .
17 One of the nicest and most original features of the game is that while Doodle can take out the enemy by simply throwing his pencils , he can also use them to draw the bonuses or weapons he needs .
18 ‘ If the League agree to our request we are also asking them to lift the transfer ban on incoming players the consortium will make £250,000 immediately available to the club .
19 Now if we can get a proper public transport system , a properly funded public transport system which will make , you can force people off the roads but you can also force them to persuade the approach with a properly funded er public transport system which is A priced within the peoples pockets and B er you can lead to views that will be er , er will be a great advantage for the area and the fifth terminal at Heathrow could fall par to this structure but if this new structure is n't there and if it is n't part of this adequately funded transport system then there is no point in , in building it was as I said earlier be , be madness .
20 I 've also asked them to leave a Beretta there for you .
21 Braun had also asked them to guarantee the peace around the museum , which they agreed to do .
22 Infrasound may also allow them to predict the weather .
23 Tolkien wanted his poems to make good sense in their dramatic context , as part of the story of The Lord of the Rings ; he also wanted them to suggest a truth independent of their context .
24 However he revealed that although stores were not acting improperly , police have now persuaded them to keep a register of the names and addresses of people purchasing a scanner .
25 UEFA expelled European champions Marseille from this season 's competition because of a bribery scandal but Tapie obtained an order from a Berne court yesterday provisionally forcing them to reinstate the club .
26 For younger children , for example , I would do ‘ Sing a song of sixpence ’ correctly to get them to know the words , and then sing .
27 ‘ I will go up to the roof , just remember though to tell them to send a ladder up there ’ said Ralph ‘ Take the child with you and hurry ’ And with that Carter ran as fast as he could through the dark air with the lady and child and before long he was out Ralph 's sight .
28 Finally , some teachers did not return the questionnaire because they had not been in the school at the time of the review and felt that their knowledge of SSE as a general notion was too limited even to enable them to complete the section on general attitudes .
29 Perhaps it may even spur them to have a rethink ( miracles have been known to happen at this time of year ) and remove the threat of closure not just from St Bart 's but many other wonderful facilities up and down the country .
30 Please contact them to arrange a meeting if you so require .
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