Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] at [adv] one [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1987/88 , 80% of all modules were completed with full success — and 75% of the candidates successfully completed at least one module and therefore received a National Certificate .
2 ‘ Certificates issued ’ refers to the number of RETs issued to candidates who had successfully completed at least one module during the session .
3 ‘ As individuals , the batsmen have all made at least one score , but we have got to start putting it together as a team . ’
4 As well as attending most Easter Courses for the last eleven years I have assisted at Guide Camps for even longer enjoying at least one week a year far removed from houses , telephones and television — what bliss !
5 Dear Dr Lefeuvre , who had already arranged at least one abortion for you , was always susceptible to bribery , or , if not that , to blackmail .
6 I normally skip at least one day every two weeks .
7 They 've already got at least one bullet from Rotherhithe they could match to it . ’
8 In the last general census in 1971 , one-third of 14-year-old girls had already experienced at least one pregnancy .
9 GRAHAM TAYLOR woke today to find that he still has at least one friend after the worst week of his life .
10 1.71 Personal injury cases are unique in that they almost always involve at least one expert : the doctor .
11 A game always has at least one loser .
12 Whichever race you choose , your army must always include at least one Mob of the same race .
13 Whichever race you choose , your army must always include at least one Mob of the same race .
14 The Gunners ' services were regularly sought by the England selectors , and between April 1933 and November 1948 the England side for full internationals always included at least one Arsenal man .
15 well he has I mean er my my daughter-in-law said he takes he mu he very often drives he 's got a season ticket , an annual season ticket t er to take the train but more often than not he drives because he gets into the into London at about quarter to seven in the morning he goes and you know , parks the car and then goes and gets breakfast and she says he always takes at least one shirt in the car with him to change into .
16 You must always have at least one bodyguard with you at all times .
17 ‘ It 's important that you always have at least one bodyguard in the room with you at all times , ’ Whitlock countered .
18 If you take the single honours BCom degree , you will also study at least one year of economics and accountancy .
19 The Empire army may include the Tzarina if it also includes at least one unit of Kislev troops .
20 In the past , when warring factions had been rife on the island , families of breeding had automatically sent at least one son to train in the Halls of Valiance in the western region of Gleberune and , as a consequence , generous donations had showered into the Valiance coffers .
21 To gain the title of Nordic Champion , it is necessary to be a champion in the country of origin and also to achieve at least one certificate in each of the other countries .
22 Even if the Queen ca n't go , she can surely spare at least one member of her family for a few days there .
23 However , if the item in question was sent overseas then please wait at least one month before sending in the claim form to allow sufficient time for delivery , but do try to submit it within four months from the date of despatch , otherwise the Foreign Administration may no longer have a record of delivery .
24 One in five 15-year-olds admit to regularly smoking at least one cigarette a week — and one in four 15-year-olds admit to smoking at least one cigarette ‘ last week ’ .
25 These regularly include at least one actor standing in a position intermediary between the dramatic characters proper and the audience by acting as a narrator or declaiming a prologue .
26 No report of the treatment appears to have been published at the time , but evidence has come to light that he did indeed treat at least one patient , a young nurse with a persistent abscess resulting from injuries received in a street accident .
27 Still , the buying goes on , with almost every major writer currently loaning at least one title to Hollywood .
28 I really must design a multi-signal-scrambling-decoder for trapping these essential little fly buggers — except that I do n't have the technical knowledge and I 'd certainly burst at least one ear drum trying to fit it in !
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