Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] that [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We can only stress that such information from the public is vital if we are to bring people like Watson to trial .
2 to do it do n't necessarily think that that type of event happens
3 Cardinal Tisserant suddenly announced that further voting on religious liberty would be postponed until the next session , claiming the document now before the Council was so different from what had gone before it needed to be debated all over again .
4 ACAS has long recommended that criminal offences outside employment should not be treated as automatic reasons for dismissal .
5 The reception office should be so organised that all sources of information necessary to answer enquiries are immediately to hand .
6 By rights they should now be quietly decomposing in Manchester , having tried out their experimental rhythm rock surrealism only to discover that self-analytical dance with guitars could not really compete with belching ego-Mancs who wanted to be adored or abhorred .
7 They merely suggest that younger elements of the ‘ rough ’ working class are ‘ the most central and persistent offenders in the more serious forms of football hooliganism ’ ( Dunning et al. , 1988:213 ) .
8 Nevertheless his choreographic plan is so designed that each movement of every dancer , whether as an individual or part of the group , is co-ordinated with the others so that it fits correctly into the overall pattern and within the space allotted by stage , wings and backcloth which — in Symphonic Variations — delicately echoes the curving lines or the dance .
9 Although for safety the main unit must be situated indoors , the hosepipe and solenoid valve will probably be outside but so sited that catastrophic failure of the circuit or a sticking solenoid valve would not cause problems with flooding .
10 It has considerable agility , and its powers of dry staccato have been so much exploited that this form of musical humour has quite lost its savour nowadays .
11 In the main , the college has produced little radical comment or research of note during the four decades of its existence , for the various chief officers have jealously ensured that any consolidation of ideological excellence at this location has been neutered , and under Home Office direction its senior courses have primarily been used to provide a stream of suitably acquiescent candidates for the ACPO ranks , who readily take on the symbols and metaphors of dominance which feed the appetite for power Stead warns against .
12 But however modest the proposed immediate reform might be , it was rightly seen that large issues of principle were raised by the direction in which society and the political system were moving .
13 They had all made that shrill moan during their funny parties , and by the time of Gary 's birth , Mary had come to recognise them for what they were — satanic incantations .
14 If it 's something to do with music reflecting society 's tends rather than being the voice of treason , then can we rightly assume that most bands of the last ten years have been pro-Thatcher ?
15 If it 's something to do with music reflecting society 's tends rather than being the voice of treason , then can we rightly assume that most bands of the last ten years have been pro-Thatcher ?
16 It is easy enough to assert that active transport across membranes occurs , but much harder to explain how .
17 Although all of this adds up to a fairly persuasive case in favour of certain types of co-operative R&D in certain circumstances , the case is not strong enough to suggest that all types of ventures will have positive ( or even benign ) effects on social welfare .
18 Though he rightly acknowledges that large parts of the country were unaffected by this enclosure movement , his concentration on it gives us a somewhat unbalanced picture .
19 The industrial relations literature has long noted that high levels of membership are ‘ predominantly sustained by informal group pressures from workmates ’ ( Brown and Wadhwani , 1990 , p. 14 ) .
20 Here we need only note that all applications for a prerogative order are public actions ; and in some cases applications for declarations and injunctions must be made in accordance with Order 53 .
21 I personally feel that this decline in confidence is both healthy and realistic .
22 George Wade then took over the studio of Sir J. Edgar Boehm [ q.v. ] and in 1891 his bust of I. J. Paderewski was so appreciated that 500 reproductions of it were ordered for the American market alone .
23 The few who discovered this later naturally felt that this part of their training was not helpful .
24 Finally , it was very much hoped that financial provision in the Groups for this proven and valuable programme would not be reduced .
25 Though there is some additional variation in utilisation rates which is explained by social factors , it is relatively small and does not necessarily mean that additional variation in morbidity would be explained .
26 ‘ The revelation that Libya was involved does not necessarily mean that previous allegations against Syria and Iran are false , ’ said Anat Kurz , of the Jaffee Centre for Strategic Studies in Tel Aviv .
27 However , the fact that people are being charged a rate that fairly reflects the lender 's costs does not necessarily mean that this type of credit is a good buy for them .
28 It only means that certain sets of economic processes are more referrent to a local area than others .
29 Sleight apologised for this state of affairs at the Congress in Dublin in 1895 : " It must be remembered that it is exceedingly difficult for the executive committee to meet together often , for every time they do so they have to bear their own travelling expenses , and sometimes hotel expenses ; and to whatever centre they are summoned , it only means that some members of the committee have to travel a considerable distance .
30 I suddenly remembered that elegant pair of legs wrapped round the royal torso .
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