Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] it [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 But you can only use it up for a month and then you .
2 Inzamam-ul-Haq ducked into his first ball and took it around the shoulder , and while a helmet was being fetched , he tried to pull the next and merely splice it up for a return catch to Malcolm , who later disclosed that , being some way short of the top 100 fielders in the land , he could only murmur , ‘ Oh , my Lord , who 's going to take that catch ? ’
3 But when you want to heat the bedrooms up you ca n't , unless you only have it on for a bit you know .
4 We noticed that they touched each other all evening , shoulder to shoulder , knee to knee , nothing obvious , although I did see O raise Boy 's hand to his lips once , and later I saw Boy rest his head on O 's knees , just lay it there for a moment like a dog .
5 We 've got some soup so we thought well we can make some of that up in the morning then we could just warm it up for the dinners
6 Or do you think she just put it there for the argument ?
7 We 've spent months of shelving and then in the end he just says oh sod it , just took it out for an eight one six then .
8 It 's a wonderful opportunity , please do n't discard it out of hand because of pride or pique , just think it over for a few days and let me know your decision when you are ready . ’
9 You just take it over for the weekend ?
10 ‘ You have rather got it in for the doctor , have n't you ? ’ said Henry easily .
11 Cusworth , England 's former stand-off who still turns it on for the Tigers , leaves for a fortnight 's holiday next week .
12 It was the weekend I bought the Granada , I 'm sure it was when we went away first time I ever took it out for a run .
13 As Evans-Pritchard succinctly sums it up for the Zande : ‘ Every misfortune supposes witchcraft , and every enmity suggests its author ’ .
14 Picasso , on the other hand , while he was undoubtedly fascinated by the formal and sculptured properties of tribal art , also admired it intuitively for a more fundamental reason ; for its ‘ reasonable ’ or conceptual quality .
15 He refuses to play for the moment , boldly pressing on where others tend to dwell ; yet , with those Philadelphians really turning it on for the composer with whom this orchestra is most indelibly associated , superbly captured in Decca sound of great sumptuousness and tonal allure ( even if not always ideally balanced ) , it all makes for compulsive listening .
16 And if you 'd got a good suit , you 'd take that , then fetch it out for the weekend , so they 'd looked decent , and when you took it back on Monday and he said I 'll have to drop you on that , Ah , so you wo n't this week .
17 Looks like you 'll have to sort of like put it up for a day and then take it down for a week and put it back in again .
18 At the end of the two years purchasers can either trade it in for a new car , pay the final payment and keep the car , or hand the car back and have nothing further to pay .
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