Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] in the [det] way " in BNC.

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1 By a respondent 's notice dated 28 February 1992 the father contended that in the event of the appeal being allowed in part the order should be varied so that the local authority pay to the father a sum representing the costs incurred by the father in the family proceedings court and that sum to be calculated by a costs draftsman by reference to the Legal Aid in Family Proceedings ( Remuneration ) Regulations 1991 or alternatively , to an order that the local authority pay to the father a sum representing in relating to the proceedings below calculated in the same way but excluding all or part of the costs incurred on 27 and 28 January 1992 .
2 Fifteen years later a treaty ended French frontier controversies with the city-republic of Geneva , while in 1760 another signed in Turin ( which incorporated a series of eight maps ) greatly simplified in the same way France 's south-eastern frontier .
3 Now that you have the wealth of information about diet at your fingertips and the invaluable personal experience , you merely proceed in the same way as you did in Stage II of the diet .
4 However , they no longer act in the same way .
5 Finn lives in a small place in America , and having been poor , still lives in the same way .
6 The Commission argued that , even if the requirements in question formally applied in the same way to nationals of the host state , in reality they were discriminatory in terms of both their purpose and their effects , since the overwhelming majority of British nationals involved in the fishing industry were likely to fulfil the residence requirement .
7 Tried and tested application programming interfaces , data structures , formats and protocols , will usually work in the same way even if they are encapsulated within other architectures .
8 If we look only at the output we may not learn anything , because if everyone is putting in the right amount of effort the system may still work in the same way as the arrow in the drawing does eventually find its way in the right direction .
9 These were the very rays which provided energy to synthesise amino acids and sugars in the primordial oceans , so the arrival of the blue-greens ruled out the possibility that life on earth could ever begin in the same way again .
10 If going to bed , eating and hairwashing always happen in the same way , she accepts them with little or no fuss .
11 In follow-up tests , the same foods were given by a tube leading straight into the stomach ( thus avoiding the taste-buds ) to check whether she would still respond in the same way .
12 In 90 per cent of the incidents , the victims were horses , almost always assaulted in the same way .
13 This strangeness will very quickly pass in the same way as a capped tooth or new filling feels peculiar after a visit to the dentist yet , after a couple of days , we do not even notice it any more .
14 Firstly , a young horse may not have formed a habit of accepting things as they are and automatically always behaving in the same way .
15 A package is always created in the same way by reserving its name using Option 1.1.1 .
16 A package is always created in the same way by reserving its name using option 1.1.1 .
17 It is a recognised fact amongst seamen that no ship , even when built by the same yard to identical plans , ever behaves in the same way .
18 Women 's work is always described in the same way ; decorative , fragile .
19 Once it has been shown that the matter in question always reacts in the same way under fixed conditions , a theory can be devised to explain its behaviour .
20 Smoked trout , mackerel and smoked cod 's roe paste ( not to be confused with the Greek taramasalata in which the cod 's roe is mixed with olive oil and garlic ) are also made in the same way , except that the boiling water treatment is superfluous .
21 The time at which the sun is highest in the sky is also affected in the same way .
22 Your cars spare parts and accessories are also insured in the same way as long as they are kept in or on your car or in your private garage and fall within the maximum amount we will pay .
23 Your cars spare parts and accessories are also insured in the same way as long as they are kept in or on your car or in your private garage and fall within the maximum amount we will pay .
24 Your cars spare parts and accessories are also insured in the same way as long as they are kept in or on your car or in your private garage and fall within the maximum amount we will pay .
25 Oh yes , it often irritates in the same way when you first start to drink spirits you feel
26 A hill or valley can often act in the same way as an enormous sail and bend the wind over a large area .
27 Separate canteens for managers and workers can not be permitted and managers should really dress in the same way as workers , in standard-type overalls .
28 Cars and lorries of all sizes are often used in the same way , with roadways , intersections , bridges and unloading bays made from blocks or other materials .
29 The sentiment , however , is unmistakably marked in the same way as is marked vulgar language .
30 It changes over time , just as any language does : no one nowadays speaks in the same way as the contemporaries of Chaucer or Shakespeare or even Dickens .
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