Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] in the [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The 1948 treaty had been widely criticized in the West for limiting Finnish sovereignty , but was defended by successive Finnish governments for providing an accommodation with a powerful neighbour which protected Finland 's market economy and pluralist political system .
2 Electronic data interchange , or EDI , is another of those information technology concepts that , after politely lurking in the background for a few decades , is suddenly forcing itself on our attention with unmannerly persistence .
3 and that the learning situation itself needs to be examined for its possible contribution to children 's learning difficulties , instead of merely looking in the child for causes .
4 Similarly the sense of hearing , much needed in the battle for survival , ultimately gave pleasure through the earliest kind of music .
5 Unanimity was less marked in the scramble for office after Asquith 's departure ; " the three Cs " , Curzon , Chamberlain and Cecil , managed to keep official party interests to the fore by ensuring that Curzon rather than Carson should join the war cabinet — disloyalty might be useful but it should not be seen to pay .
6 Eight years later he was pleading that ‘ insane persons are occasionally and necessarily detained in the house for one or two days while arrangements are being made for their removal to the asylum ’ .
7 No I did n't , I only went in the hall for that paper .
8 Students who can only participate in the course for two years may sit the Diploma in Psychiatry in the sixth term .
9 Knocker was also much loved in the area for his kindness and generosity .
10 The Leader of the Opposition apparently said in the campaign for the Langbaurgh by-election that £2.6 billion extra would be spent on education by a future Labour Government .
11 ‘ I only stayed in the hall for a couple of seconds .
12 ROSALIND BRUNT , Tessa Perkins and Karen Jones , who all work in the Centre for Popular Culture at Sheffield City Polytechnic , talk about women both sides of the screen .
13 Er , how do I get down at all , erm , of course that might not be a worry , you might and just remain in the realm for all eternity .
14 Those early genera that survived had a built-in immunity to ultraviolet radiation , thus helping in the struggle for continued survival .
15 Root crops for storage are best left in the ground for as long as possible , provided they are dug up before severe frosts set in .
16 Weirdly , the step turned into a kind of floating movement , so that she seemed to be somehow poised in the air for an instant .
17 The thinking programme which I developed ( the CoRT programme ) which is now the most widely used in the world for teaching thinking is designed to avoid confusion through the use of specific attention tools .
18 I had no intention of taking the Transit up West — I 'd had enough trouble round the launderette , which doubles as a common room for the junior branch of the Hackney National Front — so I left it parked outside the front door in exactly the spot where Frank and Salome usually plug in the nightlight for their VW Golf .
19 But the issue still remained in the balance for a further twenty years .
20 Opposition councillors supported the so-called Option 3 which earmarked Finchlea and Oakfield for closure as presently constituted but left the door open for the working party to propose further use in the search for improved service for post-19 year olds .
21 They can , however , still be distinguished from organized political formations such as parties which are directly engaged in the struggle for power in the sense of seeking to retain or capture the government of some political unit , by the fact that social movements act in a more diffuse way and if they are successful establish only the preconditions for changes of policy or regime by bringing into question the legitimacy of the existing political system ( in part or in whole ) , creating a different climate of opinion , and proposing alternatives .
22 As Randolph Churchill so eloquently described in The Fight for the Tory Leadership , Macmillan had seen Hailsham on the Monday before the Conference and indicated that in the event of retirement he would support his candidature .
23 Such an approach should also build in the potential for tests for accuracy as well as the flexibility to assess different policy decisions .
24 When the alarm goes off I frantically fumble in the dark for the tiny rubber switch that deactivates the alarm and having found it I switch it off .
25 A space was also provided in the questionnaire for teachers to note strategies used but not listed .
26 Demographic processes , not only concerning the expectation of life but also changes in the birth-rate for instance , economic change , including the increase in the numbers of married women working , and even government policy , all affect the family .
27 This trade unionism came eventually to believe in the need for parliamentary representation to safeguard its interests , and from the start determined the course of political intervention .
28 Sixty police officers have now joined in the hunt for a sex attacker who 's struck nine times .
29 Pewter with a high lead content unsuitably used in the past for food vessels ( ! ) .
30 Often overlooked in the search for walking comfort , your choice of socks can contribute or detract from the performance of your boots .
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