Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] his [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Created by Alex Raymond in the 1930's Flash eventually made his way onto the Commodore with a little help from Mastertronic Added Dimension , a budget house set up by Mastertronic .
2 For Hesketh , now committed to racing and to Hunt 's career — with a generosity unparalleled in FI — it seemed as sensible to take Hunt straight up into FI , and Hunt duly made his debut at a non-championship race at Brands Hatch early in 1973 , there earning , in a used Surtees TS9B , a third place just behind Denny Hulme — and Hulme was , let it be noted , driving the McLaren M23 , a far more advanced car .
3 He slowly made his way along the train of fish vans .
4 In both instances a worker , acting in his own self-interest , may choose to retain his benefits ( by refusing extra pay or a job ) , thereby perpetuating his dependency on the Welfare State .
5 ‘ Right-ho ! ’ and he slowly squelched his way through the gate and out of sight .
6 As it changed from green to amber the current intensified sharply and before he could stop himself Graham instinctively jerked his hand off the pad .
7 McMurdo and Waugh paid their share but Johnstone prevaricated until 1989 when Sheriff Officers acting for the brewery issued arrestment orders ‘ freezing ’ Johnstone 's wages from his work in broadcasting and sports journalism , where he eventually found his niche as a witty and streetwise commentator .
8 Jonathan Dimbleby tried interruption , thereby revealing his unfamiliarity with the story of Brer Rabbit and the Tar-Baby .
9 When Rune successfully tried his luck at a shooting gallery and invited her to choose which prize she wanted , she selected a paperweight in the form of the Little Mermaid sitting on her rock .
10 With his accountant 's help he eventually moved his accounts to the Midland , which gave him the overdraft on reasonable terms , but he is critical of the way banks look at small businesses , believing that many only look at the business sector rather than at the person running a particular business .
11 But the man who says , ‘ It looks bent ’ thereby exhibits his sophistication in the matter of how an object 's being half in water leads to his seeing it otherwise than as it is .
12 Wainwright is fifth choice at Bramall Lane and only made his debut for the reserves on Wednesday .
13 Thus had Carnelian swiftly explained his shooting of the old woman …
14 If he is consistently having to refer back for support this will not only weaken his standing with the contractor , but it will cause uncertainty and delay to the contract .
15 Did Daniel Ortega struggle so hard and so long , suffer seven years in jail , and defy the mighty US at such cost to his country , only to drive his jeep into the sunset ?
16 Did Daniel Ortega struggle so hard and so long , suffer seven years in jail , and defy the mighty US at such cost to his country , only to drive his jeep into the sunset ?
17 The round-headed boy who had been polishing the Daimler 's windows ambled up and competently placed his hands on the rein either side of the black mare 's mouth .
18 His geopolitical ( some would say his neo-imperialist ) strategy similarly demanded the continuance of a strong British Commonwealth , especially given his doubts concerning the future of democracy as relatively backward peoples gained their independence .
19 That is , unless he was lucky enough to lose his wife in the near future .
20 Rymer spoke only to confirm his identity in the short hearing .
21 Franco was well aware that the deliverance from evil of so powerful a symbol would greatly enhance his standing among the Nationalist partisans .
22 gingerly crosses his legs in the beam — a double-cross performed on screen .
23 Where Keynes is concerned , they have long recognized his importance as an inspiration between the wars for a certain type of progressive , Lib-Lab politics : but few could pass an examination in Keynesian theory .
24 Stevie Ray obviously got his notion about the value of a vibrato with the arm protruding out from above the strings from watching Jimi Hendrix .
25 Long years in the notorious Zomba prison followed , and in 1987 Banda apparently changed his mind about the commutations and declared that the Chirwas did not deserve clemency and should not be allowed to live .
26 Although no clear winner emerged from the debate , most commentators believed that Clinton had performed well enough to consolidate his position as the leading contender .
27 Husameddin , apparently basing his statements on no more than reasonable assumptions , states that " a few years alter his return from Egypt he was appointed muderris at the Manastir medrese ; and he at least implies that the appointment resulted from Molla Fenari 's having won the favour of the Grand Vezir Candarli Hayreddin Halil Pasa , who died in 789/1387 .
28 In spite of Amritsar , he announced himself willing to co-operate with the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms which were unveiled at the end of the year , and only changed his mind as the degree of Dyer 's support in British public opinion was borne in upon him , and as he began to find himself isolated by the more radical elements in Congress , who had either already lost their faith in the British , or had never had any .
29 He was single-mindedly applying his mind to the task and it was likely that he would forget the time .
30 Indeed , much of the evidence suggests that , even if Mansell had not actually braked early , he had perhaps lifted his foot from the throttle , which has much the same effect in an F1 car .
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