Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] his [noun] with the " in BNC.

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1 Jonathan Dimbleby tried interruption , thereby revealing his unfamiliarity with the story of Brer Rabbit and the Tar-Baby .
2 If he is consistently having to refer back for support this will not only weaken his standing with the contractor , but it will cause uncertainty and delay to the contract .
3 De Gaulle had long made his dissatisfaction with the Cold War status quo clear .
4 An author obviously dedicated to his art and expert enough to share his knowledge with the world has given us what should be the standard on the line which will stand the test of time .
5 By October 1964 in the complex shifting sands of Ugandan parliamentary politics this alignment changed to one in which Obote felt strong enough to break his alliance with the kabaka , with whom he moved into a position of open enmity .
6 Yet , faced with the necessity for resolute leadership , at this time of trial , Sir Patrick could only declare his satisfaction with the present policy and say he did not anticipate many changes .
7 He soon made his peace with the new regime , meeting the queen and the young king when they went on pilgrimage to Canterbury in Lent 1327 .
8 Andy Laing finally got his interview with the Internal Accountant just after lunch that day .
9 In 1747 , Stukeley could stand Stamford no longer and he took up the living of St. George 's in Bloomsbury , London , thus ending his associations with the town .
10 I have already reported his interchange with the prime minister , Margaret Thatcher , on the subject in a different context .
11 Thacker stuck out a hand , then realized it was wet — he 'd just wiped his mouth with the back of it .
12 Its nearness to his original Cork roots meant that he could easily retain his contact with the main body of the community , and it also kept him within fairly comfortable walking distance of the synagogue — an important consideration because of the religious law forbidding riding on the Sabbath or on solemn festivals .
13 Victory fell to the Roman commander Aetius , but only after he had desperately allied his legions with the forces of the Empire 's declared enemies , the invading Visigoths and Franks .
14 The PROFITBOSS always backs his negotiators with the courage of his convictions .
15 Mr Geoff Nichol , Darlington chief executive , had been asked to help with a project looking at community care but would still hold his position with the district , said Mr Smith .
16 It was William who had convinced Preston at an impressionable age that little girls , as they grew up , also grew ‘ two tits and a willy ’ , a fantasy which Preston had accepted as gospel for at least two years and which he sometimes thought still influenced his relations with the opposite sex .
17 Only once had he ever lost his temper with the Normans .
18 He rapidly re-established his alliance with the Angevin heir , Geoffrey , Duke of Anjou and Maine , by marrying him to his daughter .
19 His niece Thora has given Harald an heir , and still shares his bed with the Russian .
20 A LOCAL hack , filing copy from last month 's Intercontinental Cup tournament in Poznan , frustratingly followed his name with the words ‘ reporting from hell ! ’
21 A LOCAL hack , filing copy from last month 's Intercontinental Cup tournament in Poznan , frustratingly followed his name with the words ‘ reporting from hell ! ’
22 Professionally ridden by Nicola Norman , the pony also loves his hunting with the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale .
23 But the same writer also showed his affinity with the notions of contemporary Christendom by observing that battles were won by a few renowned knights , and the army which had ‘ even one more famous warrior than its enemy must … win ’ .
24 Paul also openly flaunted his affair with the wealthy fighter pilot Peter Pollock , who was often present at 5 Shaftesbury Villas , a house which in Ruskin Spear 's memory was always full of young men with no clothes on .
25 Delaney took risks , plummeting feet first through the hatchways , and partly breaking his descent with the handrails , falling like a parachutist , rolling instantly deploying his Uzi against …
26 De Gaulle 's successful handling of the crisis also carried his popularity with the public to new heights .
27 Skem boss Dave Maloney , who watched his side beat Glossop 2-1 on Saturday , has also strengthened his squad with the arrival of goalkeeper Lee Duffy .
28 By 1930 , at the height of this stridently sectarian phase of PCF development , Nizan had established a firm emotional base with Rirette , had symbolically liquidated his links with the bourgeois state and had begun his apprenticeship in the party .
29 THE Prince of Wales says he really valued his chats with the Queen Mother and his late uncle , Lord Mountbatten .
30 He surely wasted his money with the leaflet as ‘ the War to end Wars ’ raged on another three years .
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