Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] from any [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But there are plenty of rides suitable for children and the less daring , just choose from any number of family rides available in Funshineland .
2 In that time they were totally isolated from any contact with their parents , or with anyone else they knew or who cared about them .
3 The sociology of knowledge was deemed to have a role in grasping the social basis of knowledge but this task was to be clearly distinguished from any comment on the validity of knowledge .
4 Students can also apply from any part of the world , and audition in the UK , but need to remember that a high standard of fluency in the English language will be expected .
5 Although the hammock episode is explicable in terms of his experience , the subsequent transition to drifting above the ground can not reasonably be related to his usual fate when falling out of the hammock ; these dreams , which are not uncommon , seem uniquely detached from any experience in real life .
6 He was also ‘ as far removed from any suggestion of the seer as it was possible to imagine ’ .
7 He had no idea where he was , except that it must be somewhere in the wilds of Wales , well hidden from any possibility of rescue ; and he took his first unwilling look about him in the conviction that captivity could mean nothing better than solitude , close confinement and squalor .
8 He may have visited Glastonbury on 30 November 1032 , and the five charters from 1033 ( S 967 – 70 , 972 ) are the most to survive from any year of his reign .
9 By the time we arrived at the sea , those of us who did not know that stretch of coastline were completely removed from any sense of place or direction .
10 As I understand it Jehovah 's Witnesses accept and take advantage of the same medical treatment as those who do not subscribe to their beliefs and are as anxious as anyone else to recover from any illness from which they may suffer .
11 By contrast with PABA-UDCA , PABA-UDCA disulphate was not actively absorbed from any part of the small intestine in everted gut sac experiments , and showed poor recovery from bile after its intraileal instillation in rats .
12 Likewise the disulphate ester of PABA-UDCA was not actively absorbed from any part of the small intestine , and was recovered from bile in only small amounts in our experiment .
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