Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] from [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The difference is that whereas the policeman is justified in acting as he does , the citizen is merely excused from criminal liability on the grounds that he lacks mens rea .
2 ‘ So far we have identified almost 50 separate groups who work closely enough together to benefit from this type of training , ’ said E.S .
3 Furthermore transport from one place to another could be by the River Thames rather than the roads , which were not always safe and often impassable in some weather conditions .
4 He also received the personal support of the former President ousted by Ould Taya , Mohammed Khouna Ould Haydalla , who was only freed from internal exile in 1991 , and of Col. Djibril Ould Abdullahi , Ould Taya 's former deputy and Interior Minister until February 1990 [ see p. 37239 ] .
5 Lakes and rivers in heavily farmed counties such as Cavan have long suffered from irresponsible dumping by farmers .
6 It is only saved from universal condemnation by the partial political acceptance of the argument that this nuclear readiness does not in practice involve a real threat and that nuclear weapons will in fact never be used .
7 The judge was only saved from this punishment by the intervention of St Praeiectus , whom he had honoured in his lifetime .
8 Heathrow has , at least , the marginal advantage of being civilized , in that the cattle are gently shifted from one place to another rather than being herded anonymously .
9 In such industries the products literally flow from one process to the next , but , unlike in the mass production of individual products , this process is continuous for weeks or months on end .
10 In 1816 she satirizes the rambling , retrospective structure of the Gothic novel , producing a satiric plan for one such story , where the scene constantly shifts from one set of people to another , and the greater part of the first volume is taken up with a narration , by the heroine 's father , of past events in his various life .
11 This hedonist tends to live for the moment , because if one is constantly distracted from present experience by designs for the future nothing will ever be fully enjoyed .
12 What is obvious is that he was sufficiently removed from traditional unionism to be quite happy to ignore its symbols and its sacred history in favour of elements of an instrumental and rational view of politics .
13 Further growth of the University will only come from additional investment from other , non-Governmental sources — investment that will be generated through the Campaign for Resource .
14 With a little knowledge , ingenuity , and the help of local authority staff , these definitions ( all taken from one inventory of 1717/18 ) , and others of like kind , can be translated into probable floor plans .
15 But while I am looking at it my eyes constantly wander from one flower to the next , pausing at some , ignoring others , picking out the details of their shapes and colours .
16 Billy had just shuffled from one foot to the other and blushed as all dutiful sons should do .
17 A survey has found that some hospitals are so badly designed that doctors spend four hours of every working day just walking from one ward to another .
18 Most of this happens in three dimensions and is best seen from this canal as roads snake through the air in all directions .
19 One significant development was the emergence of the neuron theory that held that the brain was composed of discrete cellular elements , the neurons , that were physically separated from each other by gaps called synapses .
20 The big advantage , however , is that information is easily transferred from one machine to another .
21 The chemicals in perms are in themselves very safe and effective , but damage can easily result from poor technique on the part of the hairdresser .
22 He had only just recovered from another bout of serious illness and was still extremely weak .
23 Because I changed out there , but we had to pay about five pounds just to change from one line to the other .
24 But there are plenty of rides suitable for children and the less daring , just choose from any number of family rides available in Funshineland .
25 He then laid the tape across the diameter so that it exactly stretched from one side of the circle to the other .
26 Thus , the person may rapidly and unpredictably veer from one extreme of a symptom to the other .
27 Best catches from deeper water below Langport town bridge .
28 Cod to 9 lb with the best catches from Baggy Point along the coast to Ilfracombe and on to Coombe Martin .
29 In summer has reddish throat and underparts ; always differs from Red-necked Phalarope in shorter stouter bill yellow at tip ( male ) or base ( female ) and in winter has rather more uniform grey back .
30 This issue could have practical relevance in the follow up of coeliac disease patients who may seem healthy during dietary treatment but still suffer from some degree of jejunal mucosa damage because of the ingestion of ‘ hidden ’ gluten .
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