Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] by the other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Forster , who committed suicide , was much hated by the other colonists , who had a hard life trying to farm in the remote swamps plagued by insects .
2 The perception of coal is very much a Victorian , industrial revolution , slag heaps industry doomed to extinction — a perception that 's been gently encouraged by the other sources of energy in their advertising .
3 After a family move to Hampstead when he was eight , he was sent to a local preparatory school , then to Highgate School , where he was a prefect , much liked by the other boys for his honesty and uprightness .
4 It is suggested that the tenant should in fact attempt to delete this clause on the ground that the landlord is already protected by the other covenants contained in the lease and can take such action as may be necessary either for breach of contract or in tort .
5 Kendo could not resist the excitement , and in joining in the displaying dropped the remains of the colobus ; it was immediately grabbed by Ondine and Loukoum , who were quickly surrounded by the other females .
6 It was at this point — a year or so into our campaign — that I realized that my efforts were not always appreciated by the other members of the group .
7 This principle is reflected in s7 of the Act which provides : Where one partner pledges the credit of the firm for a purpose apparently not connected with the firm 's ordinary course of business , the firm is not bound , unless he is in fact specially authorised by the other partners ; but this section does not affect any personal liability incurred by an individual partner .
8 The fry of livebearers and the eggs of any fish which happen to spawn are quickly devoured by the other fish — often including the parents , which see them as a meal .
9 They are usually recruited by the other directors ; and most are executives in other firms , so they benefit from generous benchmarks for the ‘ market price ’ of directors .
10 Ellen screamed and was instantly seized by the other man , who , laughing at her wild struggles , began to force her down to the floor .
11 His place is then immediately taken by the other male .
12 He is a big , genial man of 45 , well liked by the other middle-rank departmental staff and undeniably possessed of excellent craft skills .
13 ‘ He ate and drank generously and was well liked by the other customers , even though he was a Scotsman . ’
14 Negotiating the allocation encountered problems ( some entrenched Liberal candidates were unwilling to step down in favor of SDP candidates ) but , once achieved , the local party responsible for fielding a candidate made its choice and that candidate was then endorsed by the other party .
15 In news programmes , quality and range were sought by setting up a distinct company , ITN , which was jointly owned by the other companies and supplied news for the whole channel , and later for Channel 4 .
16 His Edinburgh roots are freely attacked by the other members , who call the city 's fabulous medieval showpiece Spam Castle , claiming that the building cost Edinburgh so much that it could n't afford anything worth having .
17 British proposals for a free intercirculation union and a parallel currency union were firmly rejected by the other EC member countries .
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