Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] the [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Record-breaking and the alleged mania for quantification can not properly explain the appeal of sport .
2 Much more seriously , the House of Lords in Grunwick Processing Laboratories Ltd v. ACAS ( 1978 ) effectively made the resolution of recognition disputes dependent on the co-operation of employers .
3 Patients presenting with metastasis of unknown origin have a mean life expectancy of only four months so most diagnostic methods occupy a large proportion of the patient 's remaining life and identification of the primary site only rarely influences the choice of treatment .
4 Both at home and at school , methodologies may fundamentally obstruct the negotiation of meaning and , in doing so , reduce the likelihood of deaf children enriching their language skills .
5 Of course , Irish clergy and laity are sometimes at the forefront of political religious change in other countries , and a lively Irish intellectuals ’ religion will continue : but whether or not it will eventually affect the structure of power is another matter .
6 On the other hand , Whitaker avidly devoured the kind of Boy 's Own adventures typified by such heroes as Bulldog Drummond and any of John Buchan 's creations .
7 This section will attempt to demonstrate how the Bank of England operates in the sterling money markets and thereby influences the level of interest rates in those markets .
8 This form developed bipedalism and other adaptations to the newly opening arid savannah landscape and eventually became the ancestor of man .
9 As part of its ongoing anti-corruption drive the Wingti government suspended four of the country 's 19 provincial governments on Oct. 13 , thereby bringing the total under suspension to six .
10 Floating , on the other hand , insu-lates a country with stable prices from world inflation since its currency would be continually appreciating , thereby offsetting the rise in import prices .
11 The imposition of an additional levy on alien exporters in 1303 had led to English merchants playing a major part in handling wool shipments later in the century , but it was Edward III 's war taxation for his French campaigns , much of which was derived from levies on wool exports , which did most to promote the development of cloth manufacture in England , by creating a tariff barrier which raised the costs of the raw material to the foreign manufacturers .
12 It was they who most resented the contempt of factory management , the humiliation of public examination for venereal diseases , the lack of privacy in the lavatories , the insecurity of their jobs , the degradation of their living quarters .
13 This opens the way for staff to use their ‘ professional skills ’ to implement their own ideas rather than those of the users , which effectively renders the notion of user participation meaningless ( Carr , 1987 , personal communication ; Jewell , 1975 ) .
14 The Palestinians eventually boycotted the meeting in protest at the US and Russian decision to abide by the so-called " Madrid formula " which stipulated that the Palestinian delegation would include no PLO members , no East Jerusalem Palestinians and no Palestinians from the diaspora outside the occupied territories .
15 We saw a total of 8,500 people — youth and adult — in training throughout the year , and 4,000 youth and adult trainees successfully made the transition from training into employment .
16 Duly completing the acknowledgement of service is recommended .
17 The appropriate response , however , is not to alter the law so as to allow euthanasia , and thereby arguably undermine the respect for life enshrined both in the law and medical training .
18 Find-spots rather favour the arrangement in fig. 124 , but the characterisation seems to fit better if they are made partners of the other men .
19 They begin with simple movement exercises such as standing with the hands on the hips and very slowly rotating the head from right to left , then reversing the procedure .
20 The fact that this is indeed found to be the case powerfully corroborates the theory of development being advanced in these pages and demonstrates that the apparent absence of the latency phenomenon as we know it among primitive people like the Australian aborigines is no proof of the falsity of the idea of latency as such .
21 The rehearsal had gone well , and it seemed as though he had successfully jumped the chasm between off- and on-Broadway .
22 It is possible to reconstruct some of the clothing in part through the textile remains in graves , but mostly using the position of dress fasteners such as brooches and buckles ( Cook 1974 ; Bell 1981 ) .
23 It is assumed that if all medical services are the responsibility of one level of government , then there will be no perverse incentive to close outpatient departments and thereby shift the cost from state to federal funds .
24 In other words we 've effectively rebuilt the island of information that we used to talk about five years ago and the key motivation behind enterprise client server is really to integrate the efforts of these two groups .
25 FOR DECADES , professional and amateur politicians , encouraged by a vociferous band of scientists and engineers , have relentlessly pursued the reclamation of land for which the distant eye sees no use .
26 Possibly the most trouble-free and profitable course in the first year is to grass-let part of the farm , on your own terms , thereby keeping the farm in work whilst leaving you free to get on with your development plans .
27 Immediately , the foresail went out of control , banging and flapping and whipping back and forth , effectively keeping the crew at bay .
28 Into that stream of pure gothic fiction there was eventually added the element of crime or suspected crime , thus bringing into existence the romantic suspense novel .
29 It is the state which properly exercises the use of force in order to maintain social control , whereas it is in civil society — the family , school , work-place , church , and other non-state institutions — that hegemony operates .
30 The small community at Grasmere would be the first to experience ‘ the milder day ’ which would eventually include the whole of mankind .
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