Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] the [adj] [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It thereby created the largest telecommunications company in Europe at the time .
2 When American diplomatic efforts included détente and co-operation with the Soviet Union , Israel skilfully used the human rights issue of Soviet Jewry as a jemmy to prise the superpowers apart in 1973 and 1977 .
3 In Northern Ireland , the British system has reinforced tribalism , so denying the reasonable Unionists representation and by under-representing the moderate Nationalist minority .
4 The Matrimonial Homes Act 1983 , which has almost entirely replaced the Matrimonial Homes Act 1967 which introduced the Class F Land Charge , gives a spouse who is not entitled to occupy a dwelling house by virtue of a beneficial estate or interest or contract , the right ( if in occupation ) not to be evicted or excluded therefrom except by order of the court and the right ( if not in occupation ) with the leave of the court to enter into and occupy the dwelling house .
5 In 1337 , Edward III of England launched his assault on the French crown and so began the Hundred Years War , in which Champagne became one of the principal battlegrounds .
6 You 've only to read the new Parents Charter , which John Major is introducing , to realise this .
7 … In a court it would be so easy if I was on the other side to get up and say that in respect of eight of the conditions ‘ We complied and we only contravened the suspended solids condition and we 're very sorry it was 30,000 p.p.m. but you 're not gon na cane us for that are you , Mr Magistrate ?
8 Originally published by Poetry Wales in 1982 , this updated edition of critical writings on R S Thomas not only explores the evolving approaches Thomas has to a variety of , by now , well- established themes , but also contains an extended bibliography of source material , invaluable to any student or reader of Thomas 's work .
9 By then , such gestures were not enough to placate the civil rights supporters who decided to go ahead with a proposed march through Armagh City on 30 November .
10 The traffic problem was solved in 1986 by the building of a bypass , thus keeping the heavy goods vehicles from the main street .
11 He had just persuaded the Operative Builders Union to restructure itself as the Grand National Guild of Builders .
12 Secondly , the Convention may itself prescribe a conflicts rule and thus displace the normal conflicts rules of the forum .
13 Because the term is uncorrelated with the forecast error , v t ( if they were correlated superior forecasts could be obtained , thus violating the rational expectations hypothesis ) , if we rewrite equation ( 3.1 ) as : and take the variance of both sides of the equation , we obtain :
14 Anne Henderson says she desperately needed the 21 days breathing space …
15 ‘ I just love the 20–30 weeks period of pregnancy , ’ she said .
16 Curbishley already had the English schools time , thanks to a 44.3 secs run in her first track outing at Hull this season , before she was injured in a 400 metres hurdles race at York .
17 A quick laborious glance left and right confirms the scarlet tip-tanks equidistant below the horizon .
18 We sincerely hope the Welsh Affairs Committee and the weight of public opinion will now jerk him into action .
19 The old remember why the revolution was started and many still hold the original ideals dear , whatever may have happened in between .
20 Just forward of the trim is a flyoff hand-brake , further confirming the Sixties sports car image .
21 It would erm , provide er , a base where activities could take place in that area , but whilst not , if you like , not directly benefiting the Social Services Committee , or the people that then go to it , would indirectly benefit us in that it would be available for youth and other activities in support of the community that have a knock-on effect er , as far as we 're concerned .
22 While further compounding the small numbers problem , there were interesting differences between the two course types .
23 Italians call up veterans ITALY , weakened by injuries and suspension , yesterday named the veteran defenders Mauro Tassotti and Pietro Vierchowod in their team for Wednesday 's World Cup tie with Portugal .
24 ‘ That will have a substantial effect on consumers ’ expenditure and will also affect the retail prices index . ’
25 And , when he said he could , went on to enquire whether he could also remember the Thirty Years War .
26 It also amends the Official Secrets Act to allow someone who had been prosecuted to argue that releasing information was in the public interest .
27 This clearly relates the two coordinates systems to each other .
28 Fist fights at the team 's base camp at Dunblane Hydro , a bender in Perth where two players were caught pissing up a close next to the town 's ‘ Shanghai Takeaway ’ , a euphoric send-off at Hampden Park , followed by defeat against Peru , a disgraceful match with Iran , a drug scandal and a piece of eleventh-hour magic which nearly overwhelmed the beaten finalists Holland .
29 Last year he also coached the Scottish Ladies champions at senior level .
30 Roberto also won the Nine Nations Tournament — a charity event with players drawn from the top — prior to the Open .
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