Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] her [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 She eventually found her way to the social services department .
2 His touch was as she remembered it , warm and gentle , but as he gently returned her foot to the ground she again felt shy — absurdly and ridiculously shy , when she could never remember being so taken by shyness before — and she just had to look away from him while she collected herself .
3 Often in the past he had tried to keep her in bed in the morning , but always she had pushed off his sleep-drugged advances with a brusque reminder that she had work to do , stubbornly shutting her mind to the tenderness of a few hours before .
4 The piece went on to tell how Lydia , a sharp little eighteen-year-old mill-worker , who had fallen only twice , but unfortunately with two different blokes , finally got her man to the altar .
5 Too confused to argue , she contented herself with a nod , greatly relieved when he stood aside , no longer impeding her route to the bathroom .
6 And Lily 's instinct for the winning side soon tempered her attitude to the new mistress .
7 Esther Ward had more reason to be ashamed than her vulnerable sister Elizabeth , for she had taken advantage of the forbidden love which had grown between Elizabeth and Richard , and she had never once opened her heart to the innocent girl-child who was born out of that love .
8 No , no , my little girl 's talent will still take her right to the top . ’
9 Daniel had not been told why or from where — the redoubtable Mrs Thackray had come forward at once to make her contribution to the cause .
10 It caught her straight across the neck and she probably owes her life to the fact that the drainpipe snapped .
11 The book people received outside help as always from specialists , and Mrs Gellatly also acknowledges her debt to the City businesses who advise her .
12 But after she had finished the first part of her lecture ; after slightly nodding her head to the generous applause ; after the lights had gone up again ; after Ashenden had said ( as every chairman since Creation had said ) how much everyone had enjoyed the talk and how grateful everyone was that not only had the distinguished speaker fascinated each and every one of them but also had agreed to answer any questions which he was absolutely sure everyone in the room was aching to put to such a distinguished expert in the field … it was only then that Dr Moule was able to survey the two intruders .
13 She now turns her attention to the women 's world outdoor championships , which will held in Ayr in June .
14 Memories of the past , which now filled her mind to the exclusion of all else .
15 She looked down at the white plastic loop that now bound her wrist to the brass rail on the table .
16 No , her daughter had never before taken her child to the beach alone .
17 Ruth was tempted to tell her that at the time she had not had the vicar in mind , but since Mrs Peterson had not come to bring her any comfort , she simply turned her face to the wall .
18 We even gave her coconut to the dog which I which was nice .
19 No , to hell with waiting until tomorrow to deliver her message to the bastard , she thought grimly as she marched to the door and yanked it open .
20 In fact , it was amazing the Connor girl could even find her way to the racecourse the way she must be feeling today .
21 When Jessamy reached the house she collected her painting materials , rough sketches and a couple of books she thought she might need , then made her way to the drawing-room where she was going to work .
22 Heart pounding , Isabel waited until his mouth had almost reached its goal , then jerked her head to the side .
23 ‘ I understand you 've had only a boiled egg this morning , ’ she said meaningfully , then returning her attention to the maid , ordered , ‘ Make that tea for two , Margaret .
24 He went and stood by the shower and watched Sophie in soft-focus shampooing her hair then turning her face to the showerhead .
25 She thanked him , then turned her attention to the phone , punching in digits .
26 She then turned her attention to the food that needed to be cooked , placing it within easy reach of the barbecue , and making sure the necessary utensils for handling it were nearby .
27 She then turned her attention to the files , reading them carefully , answering the telephones whenever they rang , and checking with Damian to see if he was officially available or not .
28 She turned as her maid appeared from the anteroom with two dresses , one gold and one white , which were held up for Jane 's inspection.Jane pointed to the pale gold dress then returned her attention to the mirror .
29 Again Laura shot him an uncertain glance , then returned her attention to the fire .
30 She felt fitzAlan glance down at her and resolutely kept her face to the front .
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