Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] as [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bournville , the community that has grown up around Cadbury 's Birmingham factory , is widely regarded as a company town , although from its foundation it has been open to people who do not work for the company and only a minority of the residents now have any link with Cadbury 's .
2 The attack was widely regarded as an assassination attempt on Gilchrist Olympio , chairman of the opposition alliance Union of the Forces of Change ( UFC ) , who suffered serious injuries .
3 A Consultant 's Register has been published for the first time , and the Technical Information Service successfully relaunched as the Construction Information File .
4 There are , she says , around 71,000 households on council waiting lists in Tyne and Wear , Northumberland and County Durham and yet housing and homelessness rarely surfaced as an election issue .
5 However , I recently received some literature about the appalling treatment of dogs and cats in South Korea where they are apparently regarded as a gourmet food .
6 According to Mark Doran , UI 's technical project manager , ALT wo n't be a full object-oriented specification and is only intended as a stopgap definition until the OMG delivers object linking and embedding guidelines in two years time .
7 Interesting too was the conclusion that BS5750 , for so long regarded as the quality benchmark for British industry , is out of date and no longer relevant to the demands of the current marketplace .
8 Overburdened by commitments elsewhere , Unesco can only act as a clearing house for independently sponsored initiatives .
9 Sobbing , Pc Kelly said : ‘ The next thing I saw , he was standing holding a gun with both hands in what I can only describe as a combat position . ’
10 The next thing I saw , he was standing holding a gun with both hands in what I can only describe as a combat position . ’
11 Quigley gave what I can only describe as an eldritch screech and came at me with both arms , legs and the front bit of his head .
12 It was pleasant to stroll around on an evening such as this , thinking productively about the work which would make his name ( and his fortune ) and restore to him the sense of achievement he had so greatly enjoyed as an undergraduate journalist and Union wit .
13 We can see , then , how computers help to develop and extend information , as well as merely acting as the storage medium .
14 As we shall see , this may well have been politically motivated to the extent that the relics of the archbishop so recently and brutally murdered by Cnut 's countrymen were perhaps serving as a rallying point for discontent in the city .
15 Professional advice needs to be taken to check that the foundations under the playground are strong enough to serve as a vehicle park .
16 Poverty not only exists as a consumption experience but it is also related to labour market experience .
17 The whole Wolfchild Red Indian routine can only work as a fantasy role if the music transcends the mundane and enables the listener to bliss out on that alone , and if the singer thinks he 's Geronimo , fine , after all we 're quite prepared to accept Black Francis as having some handle on space travel , David Bowie as an alien , Rock Messiah human being and Bono as a cowboy bluesman .
18 Denis Diderot gained lasting fame as the energetic editor of the French Encyclopaedia , but he is also rightly celebrated as an art critic .
19 In 1642–3 he apparently served as an intelligence officer under the Long Parliament 's committee of safety .
20 In Kober 's pianos the check could only function as a hammer rest and not as a true check because the hammer pointed towards the player .
21 A development of the single-transformer ratio-arm bridge , naturally known as the double-transformer ratio-arm bridge , is shown in its essential form in figure 7.12 .
22 Sometimes appearing as a beautiful horse , saddled ready to ride , Lutin was better known as a hearth sprite .
23 The lowest price submitted for the work , £232,024 , was from John Kelk of No. 13 South Street , Grosvenor Square , who had already carried out some work for the Government , but is better known as a railway contractor .
24 The most effective is the use of a very large volume — 450,000 litres ( 100,000 gallons ) — of carbon tetrachloride , better known as a cleaning fluid .
25 But biography had perhaps peaked as the hardback genre , and travel writing , except by the acknowledged masters , seemed to be on the decline in bookshops .
26 This would be reasonable if the gas were highly clumped as the X-ray intensity per unit mass would then increase .
27 Ron Letts , who was 50 , and had only worked as a security guard for two years , was run down outside a wharehouse near Milton Keynes .
28 Ron Letts , who was 50 , and had only worked as a security guard for two years , was run down outside a wharehouse near Milton Keynes .
29 Good arrangements and an eye for detail can only be achieved with practice , so it may help to have a few guidelines to follow in the first place , if only to act as a spring board for producing interesting and unusual ideas of your own .
30 For more than sixty years my poor old liver and kidney — 1 now had only one — had struggled valiantly to act as a purification plant and sewage works .
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