Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] as [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As charges against the profits of manors these payments were naturally classed as income from land .
2 She long acted as examiner in geography for various institutions , and her influence on the training of the next generation of students of geography was substantial .
3 Instead of being repressed , the frightening possibility is voiced , dramatized and laughed about and so acknowledged as part of life .
4 As a result , Sir Thomas has resolved that he can no longer act as go-between in respect of the prince 's letters to yourself . ’
5 Mr Wilczek was best known as minister of industry under Poland 's last Communist government .
6 SIR PETER LEVENE , chairman of the Docklands Light Railway , and former chief of Defence Procurement , was yesterday appointed as adviser on efficiency to the Prime Minister .
7 Mujjaddedi , who had travelled overland from Peshawar along with 20 other IJC members , was formally appointed as head of state of the new Islamic State of Afghanistan .
8 While a student at Edinburgh , Marion Newbigin had come under the influence of J. Arthur Thompson , whom she later succeeded as lecturer in biology and zoology at the School of Medicine for Women .
9 Hardly any thing could resist this accuracy at which I was much impressed , though a bit alarmed at Griffin himself , who sat around on a stool amid the most dreadful carnage and what was later known as flak in order to observe the behaviour and results of his phenomenal piece of artillery .
10 Her sister Maude Newbigin , who graduated from Edinburgh University in 1893 , later served as lecturer in history and deputy principal of the Day Training College , Portsmouth .
11 By 1949 he had become a central party figure , often acting as spokesman on minority issues .
12 And playing alongside white men he endured a decade-and-a-half of bitter scorn from people of his own race , in what he now recognises as racism in reverse .
13 Robert Bettauer , a former Davis Cup team member who now serves as Director of Development for Tennis Canada described the series against Sweden as a ‘ major breakthrough for Canadian tennis ’ .
14 In either case , the fact that a charge could have been brought under section 15(1) , which covers both , in no way operates to prevent the charge being validly laid as theft under section 1(1) if the prosecution can prove what they must prove , as previously described , under that subsection .
15 A six-month investigation by the Securities Exchange Commission revealed that building bricks had been packaged and sent to distributors , then charged as stock in transit .
16 The moral to be drawn from these examples is that apparent compatibility of readings must not be too hastily accepted as proof of generality : each case must be examined carefully to determine whether there are special factors preventing the appearance of zeugma .
17 One of the country 's oldest — and smallest — air bases has officially closed as part of defence cuts .
18 In a radio broadcast on 1 October 1936 , the day he was officially invested as Head of State , Franco hinted at how he envisaged the organization of the as yet non-existent state of whose equally non-existent government he had just been made leader .
19 The laws of war , otherwise known as jus in bello , govern the actual conduct of armed conflicts and military occupations .
20 The close proximity within which these financial institutions operate , coupled with the very special nature of financial services themselves , makes the industry notorious for the prevalence of what are commonly known as conflict of interest situations .
21 Dean Acheson was actively involved as Under-Secretary of State in dealing with the subject and believed that the United States must do what was feasible to sustain south Korea .
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