Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] as [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As charges against the profits of manors these payments were naturally classed as income from land .
2 She long acted as examiner in geography for various institutions , and her influence on the training of the next generation of students of geography was substantial .
3 Instead of being repressed , the frightening possibility is voiced , dramatized and laughed about and so acknowledged as part of life .
4 ‘ The waste and desert appearance is partly caused by the vast extent of the common lands belonging to the towns and villages , the system of management of which is ruinous in the extreme , and the finest districts , capable of enriching the proprietors and the country at large , are abandoned to , and only serve as pasture for goats , sheep or a few asses . ’
5 most West-Pacific NICs , by structural adjustments in their economies and controlling real wage levels , have been able to cope with external economic shocks more easily than other countries — with more intra-trade and an increasing share of the world 's fixed investment , economic prospects are generally regarded as sound by bankers ;
6 As a result , Sir Thomas has resolved that he can no longer act as go-between in respect of the prince 's letters to yourself . ’
7 The Encomiast 's tale that he was born to another woman and smuggled into Ælfgifu of Northampton 's bed at least implies that he was generally recognised as son of Cnut and Ælfgifu , and Adam calls Gorm the Old Hardecnudth Vurm , which if correct makes it feasible to believe that Cnut named Swegen and Harold from his father and grandfather , and Harthacnut , evidently the third-born , after his great-grandfather .
8 Such an aggregate will only equal the value of total output if those goods which are produced but not sold are also included — this item , which is called ‘ net changes in stocks and work in progress ’ , is normally counted as part of firms ' investment spending ( which is logical since such goods are for future rather than current consumption ) .
9 Mr Wilczek was best known as minister of industry under Poland 's last Communist government .
10 Many reasons may be adduced for the Polish uprising of November 1830 : the Russians ' two-year hunt for " Polish Decembrists " ; the tsar 's reluctance to be separately crowned as King of Poland ; the refusal of St Petersburg to attach to the " Congress Kingdom " of Poland the provinces to the east which had once been part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ; the emergence of Polish literary figures who " understood romanticism as embodying a patriotic call to restore the old republic within its old frontiers " ; the decline of the Polish economy ; the inspiration of the events of 1830 in France and Belgium ; and the arrest , just before the rising , of a number of militant soldiers and students .
11 The former opens with David an outlaw , fleeing from Saul , and ends with the death of Jezebel , Jehu 's brutality , and finally Jehoash as King of Judah .
12 BNL owns one-quarter of a factoring company headed by Luigi Scotti , who just resigned as president of Federconsorzi .
13 And at last , in June 1172 , when he was fourteen years old , the great day came when Richard was formally installed as Duke of Aquitaine .
14 Few , however , could have imagined that the man who once served as chairman of Clitheroe Young Conservatives would be asked to don the cocked hat and plumes of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Bermuda .
15 SIR PETER LEVENE , chairman of the Docklands Light Railway , and former chief of Defence Procurement , was yesterday appointed as adviser on efficiency to the Prime Minister .
16 Mujjaddedi , who had travelled overland from Peshawar along with 20 other IJC members , was formally appointed as head of state of the new Islamic State of Afghanistan .
17 DICK Corden yesterday resigned as chairman of Darlington Football Club which is threatened with relegation .
18 Paul Hopkinson was born on June 29 1906 , the son of a former professor of archaeology who became a clergyman and eventually retired as Archdeacon of West Morland .
19 While a student at Edinburgh , Marion Newbigin had come under the influence of J. Arthur Thompson , whom she later succeeded as lecturer in biology and zoology at the School of Medicine for Women .
20 The contains no explicit stipulation that the muderris should also act as mufti of Manisa — or , alternatively , that the mufti of Manisa should act as muderris — but it would appear that by at least a few years before 944/1537–8 , if not earlier , such had become the practice . "
21 The formal nature of the signature does indeed suggest that Molla Fenari was signing the document in an official capacity ( cf. the informal nature of the problematical signature , cited on p. 155 of Husameddin 's article and discussed below , where Molla Fenari has clearly been asked simply to lend his name to the proceedings ) ; and while he was most probably acting as kadi of Bursa , as the biographical sources would suggest , it should be noted that the signature is not in itself conclusive proof of this .
22 Passengers were later used as part of Saddam 's ‘ human shield ’ .
23 Interest in local politics led him to become a member of Liverpool town council and Lancashire county council ; he also served as chairman of Liverpool chamber of commerce .
24 He also served as Secretary of WACC 's African Regional Association for some years .
25 He was also recognised as Overlord of Wales in 893 , and as such , ruled until his death in October 899 .
26 Hardly any thing could resist this accuracy at which I was much impressed , though a bit alarmed at Griffin himself , who sat around on a stool amid the most dreadful carnage and what was later known as flak in order to observe the behaviour and results of his phenomenal piece of artillery .
27 Her sister Maude Newbigin , who graduated from Edinburgh University in 1893 , later served as lecturer in history and deputy principal of the Day Training College , Portsmouth .
28 He was ordained in Durham Cathedral in 1950 , and later served as curate at Hartlepool , Huddersfield and Gateshead .
29 Despite helping to keep the cities ' streets free of litter , and striving to earn their own keep , they are often treated as vermin by police , who harass and bribe them for ‘ protection ’ money .
30 The jail was originally built as part of William the Conqueror 's castle .
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