Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] as [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of being repressed , the frightening possibility is voiced , dramatized and laughed about and so acknowledged as part of life .
2 The underlying general principle has already been stated : persisting relationships only exist as feelings of indebtedness .
3 Shirking and the pursuit of managerial goals are generally regarded as forms of behaviour that are socially inefficient , since the former involves the sub-optimal use of resources and the latter , on the assumptions discussed in Chapter 1 , produces allocatively inefficient outcomes .
4 It is suggested that certain structures , which may appear metaphorical , are best treated as cases of underlexicalisation .
5 Outside and inside also seem best treated as cases of underlexicalisation .
6 Carbohydrates come in a variety of different forms , all of which are best regarded as sources of energy .
7 The invention and development of the material means of cultural production is a remarkable chapter of human history , yet it is usually underplayed , by comparison with the invention and development of what are more easily seen as forms of material production , in food , tools , shelter and utilities .
8 Fourth , discounts for ‘ full line ’ ordering and commodity bundling are best interpreted as forms of price discrimination .
9 But whatever we call it , this sense that words do not just have their face-value meaning , but are to be critically interpreted as indicators of tone and attitude , is an essential part of James 's technique .
10 Mr Wilczek was best known as minister of industry under Poland 's last Communist government .
11 Another development of the 1980s , which is relevant to the fortunes of institutions such as the ICA , is the disappearance of what was once called the ‘ avant-garde ’ has tended to conclude that it always was distinguishable from ‘ modern ’ or ‘ modernist ’ , and that its key feature was political affiliation , generally expressed as strategies of negation and opposition .
12 Mujjaddedi , who had travelled overland from Peshawar along with 20 other IJC members , was formally appointed as head of state of the new Islamic State of Afghanistan .
13 This makes little difference to the behaviour of the companies so far as the production of policies and their conduct of business are concerned , but it does impose further constraints on the marketing of what are now clearly seen as forms of saving .
14 He might also have added the examples he cited earlier of the ‘ material content of the cultural tradition ’ , such as cave-paintings and hand-axes , since these also serve as repositories of meaning which may persist over time .
15 Their thefts of milk , honey , and melons from local household plots he ironically termed as acts of smychka .
16 Those who practise these branches of study often mistake them for spheres of knowledge when they are more accurately seen as examples of dialectic or rhetoric — ideas which may be better aired in talk .
17 The very phrase ‘ I 'm not prejudiced but … ’ indicates the connection between the concept of ‘ prejudice ’ and those views of outgroups , which social psychologists typically accept as indicators of prejudice .
18 But conversely , in Latin America , negra or neqrita are often used as terms of affection .
19 Robert Bettauer , a former Davis Cup team member who now serves as Director of Development for Tennis Canada described the series against Sweden as a ‘ major breakthrough for Canadian tennis ’ .
20 A bank of video monitors cunningly disguised as sacks of cargo show films of interviews with living Indians , maps of the regions covered and other backup material .
21 Stations were invariably seen as places of danger for women .
22 When one recalls the Emperor 's addiction to cigarettes — he was almost a chain-smoker — his rooms must have frequently appeared as places of torment to those who had business to transact there .
23 Heaven and Hell not only hold no terrors or promises for them — they no longer even exist as figures of speech .
24 The moral to be drawn from these examples is that apparent compatibility of readings must not be too hastily accepted as proof of generality : each case must be examined carefully to determine whether there are special factors preventing the appearance of zeugma .
25 One of the country 's oldest — and smallest — air bases has officially closed as part of defence cuts .
26 In a radio broadcast on 1 October 1936 , the day he was officially invested as Head of State , Franco hinted at how he envisaged the organization of the as yet non-existent state of whose equally non-existent government he had just been made leader .
27 Some think that the universities would do well to look outwards for reassurance about their research role : in particular to the Max Planck Institutes , which , while universally praised as centres of excellence , have structural problems of their own .
28 This reflects the fact that several kinds of considerations may lead to different and incompatible policies all of which are commonly regarded as policies of neutrality , because all of them demonstrate an even-handed treatment of the parties either by not helping one more than the other , or by not helping one more than the other to take special measures to improve his position in the conflict , and so on .
29 The close proximity within which these financial institutions operate , coupled with the very special nature of financial services themselves , makes the industry notorious for the prevalence of what are commonly known as conflict of interest situations .
30 Deeds of variations were orginally known as deeds of family arrangement because they were generally used to re-arrange assets within a family so as to cover circumstances not foreseen by the deceased when the will was made .
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