Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] he [to-vb] [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I persuaded him to be ashamed of snobbishness — or perhaps I only taught him to keep his true feelings from me .
2 But if Sutherland sounds distant and indifferent to his father — ’ We see each other very rarely ’ he insists — one has only to ask him to list his favourite Donald Sutherland movies to see a proud and admiring son .
3 In Havana in April , Fidel Castro politely told him to mind his own business .
4 Just stay here ! ’ but Jean just told him to shut his big gob .
5 The old man had already warned him to mind his own business .
6 Reinhardt at once invited him to join his Viennese theatre company , and within a few seasons Henreid had become one of its leading players .
7 Eliot 's 1921 meeting with Dr Roger Vittoz in Lausanne must have once more forced him to confront his own history and ambitions .
8 Knowing Christopher , she has judged it right to leave him to make his own attempts , though had he not succeeded she would probably have joined him and discussed the solution with him .
9 The journal also allowed him to display his growing alienation from the Bolsheviks .
10 It also spurred him to complete his lengthier expositions of Wittgenstein 's thinking .
11 Would it also teach him to hate his own heart , his own soul ?
12 But it is hoped that in doing so , it will also help him to continue his untiring work for the Third World and enrich the lives of those poor people , particularly in Africa .
13 Rather than do a keyhole job on Loyd , TODAY asked him to choose his ideal home from the hundreds of celebrity houses he has visited .
14 The 19-year-old Liverpudlian , who set a new British record of 2.36m in Wuppertal eight days earlier , soared over a UK all-comers best 2.35m with such ease that it will surely persuade him to take his soaring talent to Toronto .
15 She fully expected him to ignore her sarcastic question , or , in his delightfully blunt fashion , tell her he was out for a walk , not an idle chinwag , when , to cause her to falter in her stride , ‘ How about — where you 'd been last Thursday while I waited outside your flat for you to come home ? ’
16 His voice was guarded , but through it all she could hear the yearning and she wished she could break through the barriers he 'd erected against her ; she dearly wanted him to reveal his true self .
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