Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , his determination to win became such that he frequently appeared to condone his fast men bowling in an intimidating fashion , which obviously led to criticism from press and public .
2 This lack of discrimination suggests that the general knowledge required is not highly related to attainment in mathematics .
3 He had swiftly risen to prominence during student demonstrations in favour of a multiparty system in Tirana in December 1990 , and the DP had that month been the first opposition party to be formed [ see p. 37924 ] .
4 It literally came to light by accident when it fell out of a bag — it was God 's will , I suppose . ’
5 Trie tried to persuade Sue to ask er them if the they could all change to Word at work .
6 Some of these effects were immediate ; others will only come to light in time , if at all .
7 Very often the vagina and part of the uterus can be separated into two parts by a fibrous partition and this may only come to light after difficulty when intercourse first takes place , or sometimes at the onset of pregnancy .
8 She was a clever woman with obscure sources of energy who would suddenly start to garden by torchlight late at night , or walk wilfully all the way to Soho to buy vegetables at the times when the pin in her hipbone was especially painful .
9 In the last twenty years there have been times when he would have done better to return to investment in land .
10 The distinction between sheep of hardy and other breeds should be abolished because it is only very loosely related to degree of handicap .
11 Continue along the coast soon keeping to left of lighthouse buildings at St Abb 's Head ; briefly join lighthouse road , but it is best almost immediately to divert off it to rejoin cliff-top for sea views .
12 Waist-hip ratio , age and body mass index were separately related to probability of conception per cycle .
13 The Amiga is already supported by a large body of games software which can be easily transferred to CD-ROM for sale to CDTV owners .
14 This is very important because once you start to perceive yourself in negative terms you will probably start to act in a negative way , being quarrelsome and finally looking to food for comfort .
15 How many in the class have a parent who normally travels to work by car , bus or train to another town , or several kilometres across a city ?
16 He claimed that they soon adapted to life in captivity and became useful pest-controllers .
17 Charles I 's commission on exacted fees and innovated offices was investigating Mynne and the Hanaper ( in effect the treasury of the Great Seal ) in 1630 ; he got off then but was finally brought to trial for extortion in 1634 .
18 If such mutations should occur in the CAG cluster of the N-Oct 3 gene it might easily lead to loss of function by aberrantly expanding the bona fide transcription activation domain , or to loss of DNA-binding if a frame shift is introduced .
19 I just go to bed at night and hope for a miracle that I 'll get up in the morning
20 Even at the end of the 1980s , while the British left was now largely reconciled to membership of Community , the British remained hesitant Europeans .
21 Still , it is largely left to material from church archives to suggest the use of records in the vernacular on a considerable scale .
22 This track offers a splendid high-level walk free of traffic ; it finally descends to Dent by way of Flinter Gill after passing below a hilltop crowned by a group of old cairns known as Megger Stones .
23 The mutation Thr37 to Ala results in large reductions in affinity and repression efficiency , presumably owing to loss of cooperativity resulting from destabilization of the protein-protein contact between repressors .
24 An official decision by the authorities to switch off electricity to student dormitories at 11 p.m. led to unrest on campus .
25 It should come as no surprise , therefore , to find that most insider participant observation of policing is almost always confined to discussion on management techniques and to the implementation of new systems .
26 In 1746 , for example , William Grant , who in spite of his seemingly humble occupation of carpenter was the son of an Inverness-shire laird , chose a particularly inconvenient moment to take leave from the service of the Hudson 's Bay Company and return to Scotland , for he was promptly committed to prison on suspicion of treason when he reached Scotland during the turmoil occasioned by the Jacobite Rising .
27 Since weak left handers were observed to have sinistral relatives more frequently than strong left handers , Hécaen and Sauguet inferred that " the intensity of left handedness is not directly related to bilaterality of language representation or to familial left handedness .
28 Language teaching methods had 50 and 125 hours respectively , with 20 and 90 respectively offered to Language in Education .
29 The label program is up and running , hopefully leading to bar-coding of Herbarium specimens with implications for loan procedures .
30 IDENTIFICATION Some people who have been rudely awakened to awareness of difference , who have never learnt to value the otherness of the other or feel safe with it , may need to search for love only with their mirror image .
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