Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] in the same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that human beings have quite a variation of abilities and shortcomings attests to the fact that we are not all twisted in the same areas .
2 Oh well shall I just colour in the same hats then ?
3 They are nearly always the same people and they nearly always sit in the same places .
4 The reflected waves interfere with the incoming waves to produce a pattern of standing waves or clapotis , the crests of which always appear in the same places ( Fig. 8. 1A ) .
5 It attracted people of similar views and backgrounds and it 's no surprise — or should n't be — that such people still mix in the same circles now .
6 Have Walsall always played in the same colours as long as you 've been supporting them ?
7 In many ways , the Lebanon of 1892 is still identifiable to us , for the various religious communities — the minority tribes — still live in the same villages and cities as they did then .
8 This farming systems has proved self-sustainable for the past 2,000 years and has altered little except that summer ( wet season ) rice crops were once combined in the same fields with winter ( dry season ) legumes , whereas the winter crop is now wheat .
9 Senior manager said : ‘ No people directly involved in R & T have lost their jobs and they are all still working in the same locations .
10 The gastri pH profile produced by the meal was also measured in the same subjects and its total buffering capacity was measured in vitro by titration .
11 The South American and the African weakly electric fish are quite unrelated to each other , but both live in the same kinds of waters in their respective continents , waters that are too muddy for vision to be effective .
12 At the local level , where departments are often housed in the same buildings , and where officers and councillors — as well as prominent local interest group officials , journalists , council ‘ clients ’ ( headmasters , businessmen , builders , and so on ) — live in the same locality , the informal dimension is especially important and should not be obscured by undue emphasis on formal hierarchies .
13 The borough MPs were very different from their county colleagues , and only thirty-seven of the eighty-six from English boroughs even lived in the same towns ; many were carpet-bagging lawyers , induced to stand at the last moment and at the expense of Central Office .
14 Naturally , this gas is never needed in the same quantities , at the same time or in the same areas .
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