Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv prt] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I walked slowly back up the shabby road to this now miserable room , thinking all the while of what I ought to do or what I could do if I was ever going to outmanoeuvre these cunning poisoners .
2 However , the dead were also afraid of the living , who might desecrate their tombs , destroy their bodies and thereby bring about the eternal annihilation of their identities .
3 In other words , it will have to buy up the excess foreign currencies on offer with extra pounds — pounds it has created , thereby building up the foreign currency reserves .
4 Her successor , Margaret Moore , successfully carried on the established pattern .
5 She knows the kinds of places she likes to work , sleep and eat in , and will instinctively seek out the right type of office , hotel , or restaurant .
6 The government policy is to expand the total number of beds in the island to around 20,000 and to encourage this expansion to be outside Funchal , thereby opening up the wonderful countryside and expanding the economy of the many small villages .
7 It would be misleading therefore , effectively to write off the outer circle of kin as significant sources of support in British society .
8 Recommendations were made that would eventually phase out the broad gauge .
9 Gently squeeze out the excess juice and scoop away the pulp .
10 Finally , Bajazeth offers us perhaps the most complete view of Tamburlaine because these two men are in some ways very similar , and so bring out the true side of Tamburlaine 's character .
11 Elections to the Nationalrat ( lower house of the federal parliament ) on Oct. 20 left the four largest parties , which together made up the governing coalition , controlling 147 of the 200 seats ( previously 159 ) ; the Radical Democratic Party ( FDP/PRD ) lost seven seats and the Christian Democratic People 's Party ( CVP/PDC ) lost five .
12 Do n't entirely rule out the ultimate staging of a joint men 's and women 's event .
13 WHEN it comes to munching mince pies , there is only one expert in the world robust enough to carry out the definitive taste test — Father Christmas .
14 It is essentially a melodic instrument and , though holding-notes in music of light calibre are charming in effect ( especially from or thereabouts with the exception — save in the hands of first-class players — of C ) it can not efface itself sufficiently to carry out the menial task of ‘ filling in notes of the harmony ’ in block writing .
15 The hon. Member for Wiltshire , North ( Mr. Needham ) , the Under-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland , has rightly pointed out the complete disregard for the Geneva convention on the part of the perpetrators of this appalling outrage .
16 In testing , a large number of sections or items which together make up the complete test .
17 Under the 1961 Constitution an executive President is directly elected for a five-year term , as are the 49-member Senate and 196-member Chamber of Deputies which together make up the National Congress .
18 Hence the simplest approach to the study of social policy is to describe the policies and institutions that together make up the British system of social services .
19 Without another word , Bert Rafferty gently picked up the frightened child and made towards the cliff .
20 Mr Crangle would spend hours rearranging them into their proper sections only to come back the next day and find them all mixed up again .
21 The two clubs have obviously sorted out the wide gap between their respective ideas of the compensation Stoke should receive and it 's now become clear that Macari will be allowed to negotiate his new terms WITH Stoke City 's approval .
22 For all the talk of Welsh rebirth , Scotland 's performance ought to be good enough to set up the Triple Crown chance at Twickenham next month .
23 Gordon Ellis of the Vectis Flyers , Isle of Wight , uses marker pens to apply his Dragon decor , though not always enough to ward off the evil intent of competitors !
24 Er now we , the pensioners , had no choice , we were picked up and put into the new scheme having paid our contributions appropriately to the old scheme rules which were the higher contributions , but only to pick up the new scheme rules that were against our interest .
25 While the two aircraft commanders get their heads together to sort out the best approach to the problem we have been set , the two pilots sort out the flying side of life .
26 Chilled though she was by the bleakness of his voice , it was not enough to damp down the new life in her head .
27 She took a deep breath , made the effort to be mature enough to pick up the olive branch .
28 And when in 1973 the Lord Chief Justice was asked to ‘ give some guidance upon the phrase ‘ cohabiting as man and wife ’ he swiftly handed back the poisoned cup , saying that the phrase was ‘ so well known that nothing I could say about it could possibly assist in its interpretation hereafter ’ .
29 The Prince carelessly handed over the sealed paper , then sent one of his Dutch aides to enquire about the identity of the girl in the diaphanous gold dress .
30 Compact benefits students by offering them " value-added " jobs when they have attained their goals , and so opens up the realistic prospect of job satisfaction and career progression .
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