Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [to-vb] the [noun pl] [det] " in BNC.

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1 This not only serves to give the issues all the appearance of being fundamental and crucial , but also conceals the fact that matters are not so simple as to be accurately captured by such a dualistic portrayal .
2 Throughout this period , most of the cells become progressively committed to form the tissues such as the placenta which will surround and nourish the future embryo .
3 The shrewd Smailes has already agreed to buy the beers all night in the event of a half century being scored from this direction this summer , in one innings that is .
4 He could not really account for what he did , moving from duty to duty like a sleep walker , so buoyed up he did n't even bother to study the stars that night , in spite of the sky being cloud free .
5 Anthony sometimes dared to do the things that Nigel only thought of .
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