Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [to-vb] [adv prt] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 This jockeying for the truth may be fine for doctors engaged in expensive research , but where exactly does it leave the rest of us , constantly struggling to keep up with the latest medical thinking and changing our diets accordingly .
2 ‘ Now that has been reached , he will only want to get on with the future . ’
3 ‘ We very much want to get on with the renovating it . ’
4 Executives who commit corporate crime are not coerced into it , they do not necessarily have to go along with the advice or instructions of superiors .
5 So we only we only need to start off with a third of that .
6 Garry would dearly love the club captaincy back but he is realistic enough to know he just has to get on with the game .
7 You 're not now , oh right okay that 's fine , the er , what I want you to do instead of writing , I mean two hundred words is , is probably feel nothing , but in fact because we want er it to be absolutely right , what I 'd like you to do this time is just write an appraisal , the contents thing er that we had last time we had if you like , content and appraisal and audience , but audience was only er , a sentence or two , I 'd simply like a , an appraisal , what your view of this is , if you 're writing that part of the review , so we 're only thinking in terms of a hundred words now , er what I 'd like you to do is to distribute yourselves over the laboratory , erm go wherever you want but do n't start talking with people , it 's not the , not the Cribben thing I just want to get on with the exercise that I 'm concerned with and write your appraisal , but obviously put your name on it and er if we meet back here thirty five minutes is that long enough for under a hundred words of excellent quality ?
8 But the Gypsies say they just want to get on with the local people .
9 But the Gypsies say they just want to get on with the local people .
10 And I am not longer prepared to put up with the various parasitical fringe groups , ranging from the self-importantly irrelevant to the downright obnoxious , who are an unchanging part of the demo scene .
11 It just seemed to fit in with the story and the early part of your visit about somebody getting killed . ’
12 How long they had been ‘ carrying ’ their susceptibility to that cold around with them just waiting to meet up with the right bugs will depend upon the individual circumstances of each of them .
13 Faced with this unprecedented , unique and , above all , fearsomely complex challenge , the West is just beginning to come up with an unprecedented , unique , and also fearsomely complex response .
14 I shall just have to put up with the pain . ’
15 It seems that England might just have to put up with the barracking of the public , press and the other home nations Wales , Scotland and Northern Ireland .
16 You 'll just have to put up with the printer chugging away .
17 Speedie was just trying to get on with the game .
18 So he just had to put up with the noise .
19 The trust , which attracts 30,000 visitors each year to its exhibition of pictures illustrating Whitby 's past , has just managed to scrape through with a surplus of £75 .
20 This is not Norma 's fault , she 's probably quite a nice dear who never wanted the fame , never wanted a prime minister for a husband , just wanted to get on with the washing up back in Huntingdon .
21 Just need to come up with a brief
22 However , the grouting can easily get discoloured and dirty-looking , so it might bc better to start off with a dark grouting from the beginning .
23 Inside the sanctum , Miller was once made to sit down with the words ‘ Let me show you how a covert operation is set up . ’
24 The final recipient has still got to get on with the work based on this small amount of information , only now with DOPACS he has a time limit .
25 It was clear that he made her life happier than it had been , but she still had to put up with the desperately uncomfortable conditions and go out on her terrifying foraging expeditions .
26 it gives you more time to get on with the job of managing your business .
27 Is there a certain time when you always love to sit down with a relaxing drink and something to eat ?
28 Even as she turned towards the staircase she was still trying to come up with a good reason for not sleeping in his bed , but when she reached the top step she turned with a resigned sigh towards his room , too bone weary to argue any more .
29 English supply ships once more failed to keep up with the advance of the troops , and the Scots pursued their usual diversionary tactic of raiding into England .
30 The Chancellor had totally failed to come up with an industrial strategy to move Britain out of recession , Mr Brown said .
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