Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [to-vb] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By making the income and capital gains from investing in such trusts free of tax , up to a maximum amount of 6,000 a year ( 1992 ) , it is hoped that such savings will be encouraged , thereby helping to channel investment into UK industry .
2 This information should be widely publicised to raise awareness among nurse managers and others of the current position and as preparation fur the inevitable adjustments which will follow in subsequent operational plans .
3 The chief architect of the document was vice chairman Makoto Tanabe , who was widely tipped to succeed Doi as leader .
4 Similarly , Article 13 is expressly designed to allow service by post unless the law of the state of destination contains what the commentary describes as a ‘ positive prohibition ’ of such service , a requirement which is quite unrealistic in the context of the legal tradition of many countries which would actually take grave exception to such service .
5 Whilst I worked only daring to place sexism at centre stage , it was difficult to give racism its rightful place in our considerations .
6 During a visit to Moscow made by Raúl Castro in mid-July 1960 , the USSR not only arranged to supply arms to Cuba , but Khrushchev ‘ reaffirmed that the Soviet Union would use everything to prevent US armed intervention against the Republic of Cuba ’ ( Soviet — Cuban Communiqué , Pravda , 21 July 1960 , p. 1 ) .
7 It is obviously capable of overlapping other sections of the Act ; equally , it is obviously intended to catch exclusions of liability not covered by the other sections of the Act .
8 This is felt to be an inadequate preparation for the work of life , because it tends to produce a super-abundant supply of an indifferent clerkly class and to create and foster a distaste for agriculture and the handicrafts , which are more indispensable to the country and are better calculated to promote independence of character .
9 Apparently designed to accommodate demands from Germany and France for extra compensation for affected producers , this compromise envisaged income supports and other benefits to offset the impact of cuts in farm prices and export subsidies , especially in poorer regions .
10 I only appear to see Leeds at Wembley or mid-week Cup games recently .
11 One only has to compare Scotland with England to see where the real problem lay .
12 Large retail chains are usually only prepared to locate stores in areas of high population density , in order to gain the economies of scale that large local markets can stimulate .
13 United lost the match in Wales , so chance to make amends at Edgar Street .
14 She only came to fetch wood for Mum or bring us our cocoa .
15 Drift-net vessels , like the tuna boats fishing on dolphins , have long been stubbornly refusing to take observers on board .
16 Our brains are no better equipped to handle extremes of complexity than extremes of size and the other difficult extremes of physics .
17 Sun , which has refused to license Windows 3.1 from Microsoft has literally had to re-invent Windows from scratch .
18 Sun , which has refused to license Windows 3.1 from Microsoft , has literally had to re-invent Windows from scratch .
19 If , like me , you are fascinated by watching professional artists at work , and find yourself inexorably drawn to watch demonstrations in class , or at exhibitions , then this book will probably prove irresistible !
20 The Next Directory is doing good mail-order fashion business and savage cost-cutting in the group 's buying policy and its high-street shops have all helped to produce profits of £8.3 million in the six months to August .
21 Several Red Cross officials believed that the Swiss government had foolishly offered to trade Hariri for Mr Winkler and had then reneged on its promise .
22 HaL Computer Systems will sell NetLabs Inc 's NetLab/Manager software as an option on its Sparc machines when they arrive : HaL apparently intends to build applications on top of the basic network management tool .
23 As in all such complicated and protracted events , both had right on their side at times which only served to perpetuate feelings of grievance .
24 You 'd have to go back years to find a sequence of gigs as poorly attended as we 've seen recently : Frank Sinatra , Chesney Hawkes , Morrissey , Chris Rea , Lloyd Cole and Alice Cooper all played to empty rows in Dublin .
25 The nation where this debate is being launched has just emerged , in the spring of 1974 , from a confrontation between Government and unions so destabilizing that some people had been daily expecting to see tanks in Whitehall .
26 ‘ Our reservoirs are all topped up but we 're only beginning to see recovery in water tables , ’ says John West of Anglian Water .
27 Though fever and diarrhoea still linger as killing diseases in parts of southern and south-eastern Europe , and malaria was only beginning to give way before D.D.T. in 1945 these diseases now linger on only in backward districts .
28 Objective : To liberalize world trade and by so doing to raise standards of living , to ensure full employment , to expand the production and exchange of goods , and to promote economic development .
29 Earlier that year , Saudi Arabia made a solo attempt to establish lines of communication with Iran through a visit to Tehran by Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal .
30 Television in every home may be a blessing for the old and infirm , indeed for all of us at times , but that , the motor car , foreign travel and umpteen other things have all combined to affect attitudes towards sport and leisure .
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