Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] and [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Auditors are not directly concerned with the solution of problems ; if they were ; they would become responsible for those solutions and thereby lose their objectivity and status to provide an independent examination and appraisal of a service .
2 With an expression on his face that suggested he could not fight any longer , David pulled her towards him and slowly stroked her head and back .
3 There are several methods you can use and of course you must find the one which suits you best but , as a starting-point , here is a simple and effective one : Lie on your bed or sit in a chair with a back which is high enough to support your neck and head .
4 But along the way Alice Thomas Ellis creates an ironic and vivid portrait of London , brilliantly catching its degradation and waste .
5 It was important to initially construct a system whose outputs could be evaluated and understood by ATE experts and by doing so gain their confidence and support .
6 He 'd better make his milk and water last !
7 In his Commentaries on the Laws of England published over half a century before the 1870 Education Act , Blackstone wrote that ‘ it is not easy to imagine or allow that a parent has conferred any considerable benefit on his child by bringing him into the world , if he afterwards entirely neglects his culture and education , and suffers him to grow up like a mere beast , to lead a life useless to others and shameful to himself ’ .
8 If undue influence in the full sense is not made out but the element of pressure , surprise , misrepresentation or some or one of them combine with or cause a misunderstanding or failure to understand the documents or transaction , the final question must be whether the grounds upon which the creditor believed that the document was fairly obtained and executed by a woman sufficiently understanding its purport and effect were such that it would be inequitable to fix the creditor with the consequences of the husband 's improper or unfair dealing with his wife .
9 ‘ the final question [ is ] whether the grounds upon which the creditor believed the document was fairly obtained and executed by a woman sufficiently understanding its purport and effect were such that it would be inequitable to fix the creditor with the consequences of the husband 's improper and unfair dealing with his wife .
10 Not that he will ignore the larger majority of his people who form the reliable , hard-working backbone of his organization ; he 'll devote time to them too , perhaps explaining his policy and practice for developing flair in his team .
11 We have 120 to give away so send your name and address on a postcard to .
12 So when I asked Karen what she thought she was up to , I was merely expressing my irritation and anxiety at this interruption .
13 Roman 's early experience had altered him irrevocably from a loving young man to a hard cynic who would never let any other woman near enough to win his love and trust .
14 My exposure to the energy and subtle abilities of my Subud brothers in Java had so ignited my optimism and sense of wonder concerning our hidden natures that I had wangled my way into Lancaster University 's Department of Comparative Religion to write a doctorate on transformational consciousness , in a field which was later to be referred to as psycho-anthropology .
15 The phrases in this second category can be completely eliminated by re-phrasing the sentence and so improving its construction and sense .
16 The launch of Iraqi Scud missile attacks on Israel , and fears of Israeli retaliation [ see p. 37939 ] , led King Hussein to declare on Jan. 19 that Jordan would militarily defend its territory and air space against any incursions .
17 Take , for instance , a small family business constantly renewing its plant and equipment .
18 The weaving horse not only swings its head and neck , but also the front end of its body from side to side .
19 Now the witch naturally takes his form and character from the society which conceives him .
20 She needed a little experience here in the provinces first , of course , just enough to give her finesse and confidence , not too much so that she became jaded , and then …
21 She will probably welcome your offer of help with such matters as the registration of the death , notifying distant friends , putting an announcement of death in local or national newspapers if she wants this , and dealing with kindly enquiries from neighbours in a tactful way , so that they understand that she may not be feeling like having too many callers at first but will greatly appreciate their help and sympathy in a few days ' ( or weeks , ) time ; and making arrangements for the funeral and any family gathering that is to take place afterwards .
22 I only knew my mother and grandmother and life was not easy — we often went hungry .
23 ‘ This healer appeared at the grave , apparently sensing our despair and sorrow .
24 Then one remembered himself sufficiently to raise his crossbow and fire .
25 For the Royal visit of King George V and Queen Mary in 1913 , 68 stood in Talbot Square proudly bearing its message , ‘ Long Live Our King and Queen ’ .
26 We can now tell how many vibrations a molecule has and decide their symmetry species , and so determine their IR and Raman activities .
27 Conversely , if you are building up to a competition and wish to greatly increase your fitness and endurance , the FDR should be very intense and should make up a large part of your training .
28 and there was this dump truck sort of about two foot out , he 'd obviously changed his mind and sort of had er stopped , had a Reliant Regal , you know a Reliant Regal it was right up to the windscreen and there was a pile of glass in , you know everywhere it was
29 ( 3 ) If any constable reasonably suspects any person of committing an offence under the foregoing provisions of this section , he may if requested to do so by the chairman of the meeting require that person to declare to him immediately his name and address and , if that person refuses or fails to so declare his name and address or gives a false name and address he shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection . ’
30 We invoke the name of Omnipotence , humbly imploring his power and approbation ; to our countrymen we say , cease from your ribbons and banners ; support party struggles no more ; leave them to die , to exhaust themselves ; support those men of all parties who will espouse and maintain the good old rule of Christianity … we must ourselves be the great instrument of our regeneration .
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