Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] her [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He had only to look at her for all her firmly made resolutions to begin to melt away .
2 What she did n't like , and what very seriously worried her , was the way , after long moments of giving her a cold-eyed stare , Naylor Massingham should suddenly look at her with such a degree of pleasantness that she just knew she was n't going to like what was going through his brain .
3 I entirely agree with her in that respect .
4 He would just look at her with those piercing eyes and make her feel as vulnerable as she was beginning to realise she was .
5 Although I had already spoken to her about past lives , Maxine was not at all sure that she believed in the concept .
6 He hardly flinched , just stared at her in horrified amazement .
7 ‘ Unless Flixe needs me , ’ he said , looking at his wife with a mixture of protectiveness and adoration that made Julia think back to her own honeymoon and wonder whether Anthony had ever looked at her like that .
8 No man had ever looked at her like that in her life , and his eyes left her in no uncertain terms as to what he was thinking .
9 It 's just a pity we do n't live in the era when a man could set his mistress up somewhere and know she 'd be there waiting for him whenever he felt the urge to see her , but was never , ever seen with her in public . ’
10 ‘ Yes , ’ he said slowly , still looking at her in that peculiar way , ‘ you really are rather a remarkable person . ’
11 No one had ever talked to her like this before , and she was n't at all sure how the game — if it really was a game — should be played .
12 How could he possibly look at her like that after the beauty they 'd just shared together ?
13 No one , but no one , had ever spoken to her like that before , and she did n't like it , all the more because she knew he had a point .
14 That kiss had been so bewildering , so utterly unlike anything that had ever happened to her in all her twenty-four years .
15 ‘ Songs were specially composed for her by such distinguished musicians as WSGwynn Williams and Meirion Williams , and she was often referred to as ‘ the second Katherine Ferrier ’ , ’ he said .
16 Francis and Elaine , clutching each other 's hands , were also gazing at her with wide eyes .
17 The important thing , the only thing that really mattered to her in those tense and anxious moments , was to reach and be united with Edward …
18 However much he may have charmed them , they were her friends not his , and they 'd have inevitably sided with her in this fiasco .
19 He was simply laughing at her in that condescending way he had .
20 Mrs Foster had told them Matthew was a bad-tempered boy , and she 'd certainly been right about the bad-tempered part , though this was no boy standing here looking at her with such menace .
21 He would simply look at her with that hard mask and feel nothing .
22 Rosa thought of the Madonna , and thanked her , thanked her with a welling passion of gratitude such as even she had never felt towards her before that Tommaso had not taken advantage of her total willingness and that she was still intact — no one would be able to say anything against her.They could examine her if they wanted , those witches could paddle inside her to make sure .
23 He 'd never smiled at her like that .
24 I 've never thought of her in any other way and never will ; she may look like you , physically , but inside you 're as different as you can possibly be .
25 Never never heard from her at all since then .
26 Dana looked shocked ; Claudia had never spoken to her in that tone before .
27 He had never spoken to her like that before .
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