Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] this [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 I rarely got beyond this point in my sales patter before expressions of incredulity replaced polite interest .
2 Hamburg 's reputation as a ‘ sin city ’ is entirely owed to this street in the St Pauli area , and rest assured its reputation is fully deserved .
3 Higher production , higher oil prices and increased interest income all contributed to this improvement in performance .
4 We could only dispose of this debris in the raging Shyok and hope that it would eventually be carried , via the Indus , to the northern frontiers of Pakistan — a region I well remember for its almost total lack of any suitable fuel container !
5 The trial of these charges was subsequently fixed for June 1992 , with an estimated duration of nine weeks , and in the light of the advice already given by this Board in relation to the appeal , it is now in progress .
6 Today 's breeds have been largely developed with this trait in mind , with the notable exception of the Basenji which , rather misleadingly , is sometimes described as the barkless dog , although it does have a reasonably extensive vocal range .
7 The consequence of this is ambiguity , since parallelisms and symmetries of meaning are imposed on sets of words not normally connected in this way in ordinary language .
8 Michael Burr ( West of Scotland Agricultural College ) in his Report ( September 1982 ) on Tourism and Farming in the French Alps has already written about this subject in detail .
9 Apparently Z k corresponds to the characteristic impedance concept already introduced in this chapter in connection with ladder filters .
10 This was in addition to the 6,900,000 million yen already allocated for this purpose in the budget for fiscal 1992 ( ending in March 1993 ) .
11 And the overall groupings which we finally evolved for this book in terms of life focus also turn out to be remarkably close to the clusters of life styles picked out in an earlier American study taking just this perspective , Robert Williams and Claudine Wirths 's Lives through the Years .
12 We have already alluded to this problem in the General Introduction , and the paper by Williams amplifies and develops the issue .
13 However , many cats are already kept in this way in apartments and in most cases are apparently healthy and happy .
14 The first and foremost , most people do n't like using them , but secondly we 've already paid for this service in our rates and taxes , you know , when we pay our rates though , we pay for these toilets to be clean and all that sort of thing do n't we ?
15 My wife , Ann , and I have experienced the sense of the terror that these unfortunate people must have felt , because it still lingers to this day in some of the small corries and glens in the hills above Tummel and Rannoch .
16 ‘ I 'll sing you a song , mates , ’ yelled back Bobby hoarsely , ‘ I 'll sing it from the roof-tops when we see an end not only of this strike but of every useless , time-wasting ; pointless strike we 've ever seen in this country in the last half-dozen years .
17 . How could you possibly get to this hospital in a boat ? ’
18 Cocaine usually comes into this country in the form of cocaine hydrochloride .
19 As we shall see , judicial intervention was not noticeably restrained at this time in other political cockpits .
20 Three or four colours can be also used for this design in several different ways .
21 Indeed , the movement for total abstinence from alcohol , which also flourished at this time in Protestant and puritan countries , illustrates this clearly .
22 Man 's relationship with the animal kingdom and with the natural world as a whole is also affected by this belief in the essential unity of all that exists .
23 Czerny also calls for this tempo in the Menuetto in Canone of Mozart 's String Quintet in C minor , KS16b/406 ( after the Wind Serenade , K384a/388 ) , and for the same reason , so that we can feel the hemiola crosswinds blowing from its first bars onward .
24 They both accounted for this outcome in terms of the rigidity of the block contracts they had been recommended to make by the regional health authority .
25 The report 's author , Sir Ieuan Maddock , a former chief scientist at the Department of Industry , says the Ministry of Defence is partly to blame for this stagnation in ‘ technology transfer ’ .
26 Swanimote courts were also held during this period in a number of other southern forests , including Chute , the New Forest , Shotover and Stowood , Wychwood and Windsor .
27 Nor does National Pari-Mutuel Association Ltd. v. The King , 47 T.L.R. 110 in which it was held that payment of betting duty under a statutory provision thought by the plaintiffs to be applicable but later held by this House in a similar case to be inapplicable , was made under a mistake of law and not of fact and was therefore irrecoverable .
28 I 'm really fascinated by this period in your country 's history . ’
29 We are really struggling at this point in time , thinking , ‘ What are we doing , what are we about ? ’
30 It is often pointed out that higher education was centrally seen in this way in the nineteenth century , but that very different models were on offer .
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