Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] it for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 No , it 's only a te , well I mean you can only stay on it for ten months a year .
2 with the formula , so think about it for two .
3 Yes , he can continue at that level of a hundred and ninety but he 's obviously going to have to pay more , because he 's only paid for it for ten years , or he can reduce it down to the original amount .
4 The keys of old harpsichords are indeed often seen to be hollowed ; however , what this suggests is not that Handel had been assiduously practising on it for many years , but rather that ( being at least loo years old when Hawkins saw it ) it had never had the keys replated. 19th-century scholars were intrigued by this tale , and more than a century after Handel 's death embarked on the quest to rediscover the instrument .
5 The official table of appointments in 1779 for the college of foreign affairs , which lasted until it was slightly modified by Catherine 's son Paul in 1800 , provided for each mission abroad to have two students regularly attached to it for these purposes .
6 Gandhi indeed could count on the British conscience for his personal safety , but he could never count on it for political concessions — and it is clear that at some level he understood this .
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