Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] it [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 We 've just talked about it in this room .
2 Also more particularly because this particular bit of work has had such thorough examination by the presbyteries that it does n't seem to er justify further tinkering with it at this stage .
3 In J. Milroy and L. Milroy ( 1977 ) , we justified this method , somewhat retrospectively , in terms of the social network model ( the fieldworker can be described as a second-order network contact ) , and it is useful methodologically to think of it in this way ( indeed , many other investigators have successfully used the idea of social network as an explicit part of their fieldwork strategy ) .
4 but any then look at it like this
5 During the 1987 Iran/Contra hearings in Washington the most frightening witness was Colonel Oliver North , who , though not a direct employee of the CIA , had been inextricably associated with it in this sordid affair .
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