Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] with [det] " in BNC.

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1 What she did n't like , and what very seriously worried her , was the way , after long moments of giving her a cold-eyed stare , Naylor Massingham should suddenly look at her with such a degree of pleasantness that she just knew she was n't going to like what was going through his brain .
2 She do n't say nothing to me , she just looks at me with these big eyes .
3 He would just look at her with those piercing eyes and make her feel as vulnerable as she was beginning to realise she was .
4 The man who 's been here for the past three weekends , always at the same table , always alone and always gazing at you with those incredible dark eyes of his . ’
5 It fell on the floor and rolled towards Uncle Mick 's feet — and he promptly stood on it with all his forty-year police authority and his size ten boots .
6 ‘ I see , ’ he said with a quick look at the clerk , who was now staring at them with both eyes well open .
7 Mrs Foster had told them Matthew was a bad-tempered boy , and she 'd certainly been right about the bad-tempered part , though this was no boy standing here looking at her with such menace .
8 He would simply look at her with that hard mask and feel nothing .
9 When other people made a fuss of him , he hardly bothered with them , preferring to go over to wherever I might be and just sit there looking at me with those eyes .
10 It was a considerable risk ; he knew perfectly well that Graham Moloney would certainly disagree with him with some violence .
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