Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 THE lover of Britain 's famous agony aunt , Marje Proops , was secretly cheating on her by living with another woman .
2 So join with me in wishing our members a happy birthday
3 In the end I just walk past him without looking at him .
4 At the same time it should make us aware of the enormity of the task that still lies before us in developing an adequate analysis of the art made by artists for whom ‘ being a woman ’ was not a given , but something to be explored through a historically shaped and socially conditioned artistic .
5 What was it Adams had once said to him apropos talking to Edna : it 's a gamble .
6 I was disappointed at this and was afraid she was still vexed at me for bringing Frankie .
7 There is a nurse called Nurse Elliott who is always sneering at me without meeting my eye .
8 In recent years the discount houses have not only borrowed from banks , but also lent to them by purchasing certificates of deposit .
9 I could not be happy doing that , but as a pop singer I was in my element , because really all I d I did n't even think of it as singing , I thought of it , when I performed on stage as a pop singer I just thought of of it really of making love to the audience .
10 She could n't even glance at him without feeling a little strange , and he never had any pleasant look on his face .
11 Madame adjusted the cigarette in her holder , and then took another deep draw on it before answering .
12 She could n't ask him to stay then yell at him for caring for her .
13 This hardly looks the same principle , but the connection lies in the fact that for Kant the sense in which every person is an end is that each is a rational agent who , as such , should be conceived as potentially cooperating with me in settling upon and living by universal principles of behaviour taken as binding on all rational agents .
14 The man known as Helvetius might have produced gold which withstood the tests of assayers , but Bernard Trevisan was duped out of a fortune before finally performing the magnum opus , and Thomas Norton prepared the Elixir twice and was twice robbed of it before dying in poverty .
15 Each of the six main sections of the programme starts with a brief analysis of the situation , and then responds to it by proposing a series of study processes .
16 reporter to erm again join with him in beating the drum formally so that it moves on the A twelve and the other issues was over , something which we can easily draw attention to civil servant and of
17 What principally weighs with me in thinking that Lord Coke made a mistake of fact is my conviction that all men of business , whether merchants or tradesmen , do every day recognise and act on the ground that prompt payment of a part of their demand may be more beneficial to them than it would be to insist on their rights and enforce payment of the whole .
18 His own dad , Jason Robards , juggles with favourite younger son , ever-feckless Tom Hulce , divorcee Dianne Wiest 's fruity teenage offspring barely communicates with her except to hurl insults about vibrators , and Rick Moranis 's toddler is force-fed a flash card education in Kafka and karate …
19 I dutifully read through them with sinking feelings and , sometimes , a touch of nausea .
20 That period of his life also freed him for his experiments in other kinds of theatre which , although he never reverted to them after taking on his Stuttgart responsibilities , enriched his subsequent work .
21 People had actually laughed at her for asking for a chemistry set instead of a Barbie doll or a set of Nancy Drew books .
22 Unless specifically agreed by us in writing at the time you make your booking , we can not accept any booking which is made conditional upon a special request being satisfied .
23 Awake , she never looked at him without smiling .
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