Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [art] time [conj] " in BNC.

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1 All of the multifarious social duties in which he was now involved constantly encroached upon the time and energy which he wished to devote to his own writing .
2 I came out of the forces , he was only waiting for the time that I came out , for him to retire .
3 Given any example of a classic scientific theory , whether at the time of its first proposal or at a later date , it is possible to find observational claims that were generally accepted at the time and were considered to be inconsistent with the theory .
4 And there was his behaviour since their father 's death : odd little things she had scarcely noticed at the time but now they began to acquire significance in her mind .
5 Generally , one topic merges into another , and it may not be easily seen at the time that a change of topic has occurred .
6 These in his original draft he had characterised at " Chetniks " , a term often loosely used at the time although its most precise meaning was to refer to the Royalist followers of Gen Mihailovitch .
7 Certainly the political situation has meant to both types have possibly served beyond the time that they would have served had the SAAF had access to an open world market .
8 The fact that Y may have been quite innocent and have genuinely believed at the time that the goods were his to sell , gives him no defence either to a claim by Z for breach of contract or to a claim by O for conversion .
9 It was widely recognised at the time that these practices were the tip of a much larger iceberg of old-age abuse .
10 Although his actions were widely condemned at the time and subsequently , it is a more open question whether his objectives were so much at odds with those of his government .
11 However , Beecroft 's attempts , little noted at the time because they were mounted from Fernando Po , proved much more successful than the highly publicized expeditions that set out from England .
12 The 15 day limit also cuts into the time that should be spent assisting clients .
13 The Great Casterton villa excavation produced a good example ( Corder 1951 , 24 — 40 ) , but it was carefully noted at the time that this destruction by fire involved only one building and was , therefore , an accident and had no relevance to any historical event .
14 A defendant may state that he honestly thought at the time that the girl was above 16 and that he never thought to enquire , or that the girl was dressed up and wearing make-up .
15 In no other respect does the order make changes in arrangements put in place last year which were extensively debated at the time and which , as I said to the House in October , appear to be working well .
16 A very scholarly and erudite work , widely acclaimed at the time but since much maligned .
17 The first is problematic in the light of the theory that living organisms ‘ see ’ with their eyes ; the second was problematic for the supporters of Galileo 's theories because it clashed with the ‘ force of a vacuum ’ theory accepted by them as an explanation of why the mercury does not fall from a barometer tube ; the third was problematic for Roentgen because it was tacitly assumed at the time that no radiation or emanation of any kind existed that could penetrate the container of the photographic plates and darken them ; the fourth was problematic because it was incompatible with Newton 's theory .
18 Yeah , well look at the time and I said got
19 The centre of the discussion was the school curriculum ; and it was frequently observed at the time that this was the first occasion on which politicians or the public at large had concerned themselves with what had hitherto been a wholly professional matter .
20 Catches were well documented at the time and proceeds from sales were distributed to the poor of Doncaster .
21 Firstly , it seems to have been well established at the time that Darrel was having some sort of incestuous relationship with his sister , a woman several years younger but only slightly less wayward than her brother .
22 So deep was the division on the " entrist tactic " that the unified body reached the compromise of working within the Labour Party for a period and then withdrawing for a time and continuing independent activity .
23 It was then getting near the time that I could turn him out , again I put it off , frightened of what he might do .
24 Such criticism was doubtless deserved at the time because his films were to Hollywood what some of today 's tabloids are to the newspaper industry .
25 The Commander-in-Chief in Scotland was Lieutenant-General Sir John Cope , later the subject of a derisory song ‘ Hey , Johnny Cope ’ , and unkindly described at the time as ‘ a little , dressy , finical [ i.e. fussy ] man ’ .
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