Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 This presumably refers to devotional access to the rood-loft ( by newel stair or ladder ) .
2 Exultation comes and goes , but here again for the while I suppose it has returned to me in preparation for that step back into the radiant arc of omnipotence which is only given on this earth to the narrator in or of a novel .
3 She only asked for one word to be removed . ’
4 ( This account obviously stands in marked contrast to Foucault 's explanation of the same historical phenomenon . )
5 Furthermore transport from one place to another could be by the River Thames rather than the roads , which were not always safe and often impassable in some weather conditions .
6 In addition , when applied two or three days prior to going on holiday , protective filters leave the skin better prepared for first exposure to the sun while preserving the natural qualities of the skin .
7 Were it not better done as other use to sport with Amaryllis in the shade , or with the tangles of Nayera 's hair . ’
8 ‘ I had better ring for another cover to be laid . ’
9 Heathrow has , at least , the marginal advantage of being civilized , in that the cattle are gently shifted from one place to another rather than being herded anonymously .
10 In such industries the products literally flow from one process to the next , but , unlike in the mass production of individual products , this process is continuous for weeks or months on end .
11 The free market had virtues too long eclipsed by slavish conformity to collective ideals that no longer seemed relevant .
12 The reason is that with Van Gogh art and life are not merely conditioned by each other to a greater degree than with any other artist , but actually merge with each other .
13 Accommodation and compromise have not characterized the recent history of the DUP , despite journalists ' frequent attempts to portray Paisley as a man sufficiently set on personal power to be willing to compromise to achieve it .
14 She marks the seasons ’ changes by the need to utter particular blessings , prepare ritual foods , explain the reasons for so doing in simple language to an infant audience .
15 In all I think I only insisted on one cut to anything he did , and that was the fight between the two cavemen in the first story which ended with one of them smashing a rock down on the other 's head .
16 Richard Fynes noted that : ‘ The men were sufficiently endowed with natural interest to be observant of the effect of wind upon the ventilation of the mines , and even as late as 1822 , before barometers and thermometers were generally used in the pits to indicate the state of the temperature , if the wind were blowing from the southeast threatening rain , the men refused to work . ’
17 Some writers on such questions unwisely respond with aggressive disagreement to the proposition being put .
18 What is obvious is that he was sufficiently removed from traditional unionism to be quite happy to ignore its symbols and its sacred history in favour of elements of an instrumental and rational view of politics .
19 But while I am looking at it my eyes constantly wander from one flower to the next , pausing at some , ignoring others , picking out the details of their shapes and colours .
20 But it only remained of crucial importance to that small minority of bigoted constables who classify all Catholics as equally evil and nefarious .
21 In the former camp , organisations such as the Council for the Protection of Rural England vigorously protest at any threat to the Green Belt and argue that derelict , or ‘ brown ’ sites within it should be restored rather than handed over to developers .
22 He said that the post would be advertised , which was duly done at some cost to the public purse .
23 Every item is individually crafted with meticulous attention to detail and colour , then oven-baked for 20 minutes until it ‘ sets ’ .
24 Billy had just shuffled from one foot to the other and blushed as all dutiful sons should do .
25 We have already referred in some detail to Digital Video Interactive ( DVI ) above and in the section dealing with video compression ( 3.10 ) .
26 In his head he was already driving through heavy rain to a life he could n't imagine .
27 A survey has found that some hospitals are so badly designed that doctors spend four hours of every working day just walking from one ward to another .
28 Starting from the stretcher box beneath the buttress is Thanatos ( HVS 5b ) , best done in one pitch to the heather terrace .
29 A 1992 survey commissioned by the Institute of Directors of member companies who employ less than 100 people , has shown that the cost of bank finance is generally felt by small business to be a greater problem than availability .
30 Well , Little Italy just felt like more Village to me .
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