Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun sg] of [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 It provided a much needed patch of light in an otherwise sombre room lit only by two silk-shaded sidelamps .
2 There was a nicely judged degree of contempt in her voice , Loretta thought ; it implied that the speaker had quickly got Puddephat 's measure , and did n't intend to waste any more of her time on him .
3 There was a pressing , gently swaying wall of vegetation in a thousand shades of green .
4 Orton was the longest serving prisoner of conscience in Africa .
5 In 1924 Mussolini survived a personal crisis when he was accused of colluding in the murder of Giacomo Matteotti , an opposition leader , and finally became head of state in 1925 when the Fascists banned all other parties .
6 ‘ Sellafield has made the Irish Sea the most radioactively contaminated stretch of water in the world .
7 Yes , well you just put volume of water in that one .
8 The form of mental handicap known as ‘ Down 's Syndrome ’ is undoubtedly the best known type of handicap in Britain today .
9 The best known aspect of sexism in English is what some feminists have called ‘ he/man ’ language , that is , the generic use of masculine pronouns and the term man ( kind ) .
10 I should have thought that , in the new found spirit of glasnost in the Tory Government , with public officials being required to give direct answers , the Prime Minister would hasten to give me a reply .
11 Benjamin Britten overshadowed the whole of Britain 's post-war operatic scene , from the revelatory first performance of Peter Grimes at Sadler 's Wells in June 1945 , to the desperately achieved premiere of Death in Venice , three years before his own death in 1976 .
12 The Phoenicians , and in particular the Carthaginians , are still given pride of place in our handbooks for their institutions and their colonization because the Greeks recognized themselves in such things .
13 They watched the horses follow the tractor round the ever narrowing stand of corn in the centre of the field , and the tinkers who came to get work stood by with dogs and shot the rabbits that came surging out .
14 One of them , a leather skirt she made for Dannii , still occupies pride of place in her little sister 's wardrobe .
15 Ordained in 1879 in Ripon Cathedral , he served his curacy at St Katherine 's Parish Church , Northampton , before later becoming Vicar of Swadlincote in Derbyshire .
16 Terry Nation had succeeded in carving a foreign world every bit as believable as Lucarotti 's carefully researched account of life in twelfth-century Cathay .
17 I think it would be beneficial for each committee member to have a clearly defined area of responsibility in order to spread the load and develop expertise in particular areas .
18 The inspectors also said teaching of religion in non-church primary schools was generally poor , and ‘ usually lacked rigour , clear purpose and explicit religious content . ’
19 We would not routinely recommend restorative proctocolectomy knowingly for patients with Crohn 's colitis because the failure rate is high and most will eventually develop recurrence of disease in the anal canal or in the small bowel .
20 Time spent is not recoverable , while improved performance will often enable recovery of money in the medium term ; thus time is the most scarce resource at the project manager 's disposal .
21 Humbrol , the French company that owns Airfix , Britain 's biggest model manufacturer , now gives pride of place in its collection to Tornado , F-16 , Mirage and even AWACS jets — hastily re-packaged as a ‘ Gulf series ’ .
22 Jewelled with moisture , it now had pride of place in my fridge .
23 These were retrieved and now take pride of place in the library .
24 It seems highly probable that the northern kingdom achieved a greater cohesion and a more rigorously defined hierarchy of power in the decade or so after Winwaed .
25 It is proposed in this plan to lay down all the streets , squares , spaces , courts , lanes , yards , passages , fields , gardens , etc. , etc. , in such a manner as to express the exact dimensions of every regularly bounded plot of land in the township of Manchester and Salford , that will fall within that square which shall be judged the most proper to encompass it .
26 There was a well understood code of honour in these matters and guests invariably responded nobly .
27 As to the former of these points , Nield , J , held that the effect of the Order was simply to prohibit payment of rent in excess of the ‘ standard rate ’ ( ie , £600 per annum ) during the time when the Order was in force .
28 The sample survey is a fully recognized method of enquiry in common everyday use by sociologists , economists , psychologists , public opinion pollsters , market researchers and many other bodies .
29 Although the rest of the world was the lowest cost source of supply the imposition of the CET meant that it was not the lowest priced source of supply in the domestic economy .
30 However , while I was in hospital , I had seen a boy I vaguely knew die of leukemia in the bed opposite me .
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