Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] one [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What we need is not so much a point irregularity such as a foreign atom , because that could only facilitate movement at one point , but rather a line defect which will allow the army of molecules , as it were , to sweep forward on a broad front .
2 Your mind can only focus attention on one area of the swing until it becomes muscle memory and works naturally .
3 ‘ But I 've only had sex with one person , ’ you say .
4 They were fairly clumsy devices and only offered security from one side : anyone could unlock them from the other side .
5 A guidance episode necessarily takes place at one point in time within the developing skills and experience of the client .
6 It is obvious that we should have talks but I am not willing to be told that the talks can only take place at one location and I am not willing to accept an invitation to a slanging match .
7 But this only gives information at one point .
8 The dividing wall holding this tank only attracts sunlight from one side and for only a couple of hours a day , and only at the height of summer .
9 The main living area of the farmhouse was one large room , with a wooden staircase leading off it , and an expensively fitted kitchen at one end , separated by a peninsular unit , behind which Monique was bustling happily .
10 These butts are pre-dyed , but I was curious as to why they only had colour on one side .
11 He has apparently lost movement in one leg and needs crutches to walk .
12 We only have evidence for one species , but most ethologists who study sex do not hesitate to extend the theory to all bizarre sexual characters .
13 The first and last pictures contrast highly ordered motion at one end of the sequence with turbulent motion at the other end , and it is seen that there is a series of intermediate stages by which transition from one to the other takes place .
14 One main reason for the difficulties considered here is that a settlement usually involves payment of one lump sum in the same way that damages consequent upon a successful court action are also paid in a lump sum .
15 So far as the type of crime committed is concerned throughout this century the great bulk of crime has always involved stealing of one kind or another .
16 In the traditional archive the storage of documents and their use usually took place at one location , but this need not be the pattern of organisation maintained for electronic archives .
17 Unless we perform the impossibility of checking all their instances , they always risk falsification by one counter-instance .
18 Offering extra payment for good performance , and " fines " for missed signals in a vigilance task similarly maintained performance after one night 's sleep loss at normal levels .
19 At the same time , however , as these examples indicate , information-based organizations also need concentration on one objective or , at most , on a few .
20 Philip looked at him now holding Caspar with one hand and throwing bits of stick at the dead magpie to knock it off the branch .
21 But in recognizing the authority of ‘ Be aware ’ as absolute we run up against that imbalance of the organism in the direction of what pleases it , by which it spontaneously expands awareness in one direction by contracting it in others .
22 When Tessas were first launched , an immediate objection raised was that people would simply shift money from one pocket to another .
23 Figure 2 A neuron simply transmits information from one place to another in the brain , but its trigger feature determines what pattern it responds to , and its projective zone determines where news of the occurrence of this pattern is sent .
24 Workers at Dowty aerospace can at least take comfort in one thing — the firms management say that they hope their streamlining programme is now at an end and that no further major redundancies will be announced .
25 I rarely take equipment from one country to another , and never if there is a voltage difference as with the United States ( 110 volts ) and Europe ( 240 volts ) .
26 Yet had time for one blow .
27 Well that was a seriously mooted thing at one time of course .
28 I 'd just like to say that only Conservatives could actually put need in one paragraph and slip straight into financial in the next and I assume they 're talking about the same thing .
29 He therefore gave authority to one Edward Sawyer to make inquiries , and to search for evidence in all houses and places in Kettering and five miles around .
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