Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She tried to make her voice heard above the general clamour and hurried forward , only to lose sight of her quarry in the crowd .
2 Elaine drained hers thirstily and made a loud sucking noise with her straw .
3 As Lady Romsey gently cradled Holly in her arms , the girl 's mother Julie said : ‘ Both the Romseys and their nanny were particularly kind to us when Leonora and Holly were receiving treatment .
4 Following the much trumpeted loss of her maidenhood , she is said to have undergone a test to determine whether or not she has AIDS , an ailment prevalent in that part of the world .
5 But once she took over the directorship of the Institute for Chemical Research in Bucharest ( ICECHIM ) , she began to purge those scientists who had been foolish enough to cast doubt on her credentials or to refuse to ‘ co-operate ’ with her research .
6 Sara suddenly felt pity for her stepfather , bereft of his only , well-beloved daughter .
7 By pursuing her own method , Lisa not only gained control over her work but also showed her grasp of the nature of the problem and of the nature of multiplication .
8 The origin of that had only become plain after her death .
9 She 'd always had a passionate side to her nature , she thought , suddenly making sense of her reactions to life .
10 It had been hard enough telling Dane about her past , but the thought of her background becoming common knowledge was horrifying .
11 They had financed the clinic and prepared the set-up in Geneva especially to make use of her talent .
12 In Plutarch 's account Isis had already given birth to her son Horus , but Egyptian sources relate that she conceived the child from her husband 's dead body .
13 Her mother claims she no longer needs treatment for her arthritis .
14 Struggling desperately to regain control of her senses , Isabel forced herself to listen also , to silence the clamouring questions in her head .
15 Juliana had mistakenly believed that large earrings and wide belts would just draw attention to her size ( being tall makes her feel big ) but , in fact , anything too small looks insipid and unnoticeable .
16 She just needed relief from her burden of bags .
17 But Community Care can reveal how she so easily fell prey to her son and lost almost everything .
18 But it gave her another flare of confidence , this elusive and somehow warming reminder of her childhood .
19 I glimpsed what she had written — nothing extraordinary except that she hoped she would soon find deliverance from her troubles .
20 Her mother had died when she most needed help in her development , with all the problems of adolescence .
21 She could not have borne to watch Betty sleazily slicing bread in her dressing-gown .
22 It might diminish with time , secreting itself away in some irregularly attended cranny of her brain , but it would be there , waiting , finding its moments .
23 Jessica lay back , still hard , still seeking softness in her heart .
24 The right hon. Member for Finchley was right yesterday to express concern from her point of view that the Foreign Secretary was a bit wobbly on majority voting .
25 Mrs. Simper loved a novel , tho' she could not read hard words , and therefore when her lady was abroad , we always laid hold on her books .
26 ‘ Mr Blake , ’ she called , ‘ I 'm sure you 're needed elsewhere — ’ but even before she could finish speaking another glass crashed off a table , and Charity , still doing battle with her skirt , went to pick up the fragments .
27 She was still taking medication after her breast cancer operation but she seemed to be on top form and very bubbly and full of plans for the future .
28 ‘ It would n't mean very much to me either , ’ he replied with some charm , and , while Fabia 's heart gave a most unexpected flutter , he promptly took charge of her problem and , pointing to a patch of ground a little way over to the right , instructed , ‘ Steer your car over there .
29 He was quoting Maria Filippa , though to her face he usually took issue with her credulity , as he called it .
30 Sometimes , of course , she would still get cross with her favourites , but only when their behaviour fell below an acceptable standard , when they refused invitations and that sort of thing .
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