Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [v-ing] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He welcomed the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and William III appointed him a commissioner of the Admiralty , a responsibility he took very seriously , effectively using Whitehaven for gathering intelligence during the Irish war of 1689–90 .
2 The basic purposes of pruning are two-fold : first , to divert and concentrate sap flow and energy into the buds and shoots that will grow in the direction we want , to promote or provoke new growth from dormant buds , and to better utilize energy by removing growth that has borne bloom , will not bear more , and can not make worthwhile contribution to the plant 's processes ; and secondly , surgically to remove dead , diseased and infected wood .
3 This meant that actions to reduce emissions of sulphur dioxide within Brussels had only limited success in reducing smog levels and the city simply had to wait until the extensive smog bank drifted away or began to be dispersed .
4 In some cases , the majority of these precursor pollutants come from distant urban-industrial areas and consequently local emission reduction measures have only limited success in reducing smog levels .
5 We not only provide practice in analysing experiences , but give students a glimpse of a more humane society and urge them to push back the boundaries that inhibit them . ’
6 He would personally assume responsibility for disconnecting food and water supplies and would not give Tony antibiotics if he developed any more infections .
7 Since then the serious pushing has taken place in Colombia where the cocaine cartels have literally ruined football by using Medellin and FC Cali as laundering centres for drug money .
8 Comparison of amylase secretion and synthesis results of patients who had had only one acute attack and those who had had two or more , shows that synthetic studies may be more sensitive than the standard pancreatic function test , which only measures secretion in detecting pancreatitis .
9 Contemporary Paris dealers Louise Leiris , Jean-Polak Ariel , Daniel Malingue , Thaddaeus Ropac and Albert Loeb have all shown interest in taking part .
10 Last season Moseley only avoided relegation by beating Newcastle Gosforth in their last match .
11 Mrs Pascoe provided tea and a little nicely judged conversation before leaving Rain and her husband to their talk .
12 It is Pippin too who looks in the palantir and so misleads Sauron into thinking Saruman may have the Ring .
13 He was a highly tuned machine for using people .
14 Nonetheless , whatever success was achieved within these programmes it was not enough to change the general picture of an agricultural system which could only expand production by having access to more land .
15 Longer-term factors favouring the US domestic market are the abolition of withholding tax and introduction of shelf registration ( which allow bonds to be registered prior to issuance , thus enabling flexibility in taking advantage of market opportunities ) .
16 In the statement Edwards , who has already attracted criticism for placing bolts on Cornish granite , appears to set out his own manifest , which runs entirely counter to the BMC 's adopted policy on bolts and access and forecasts that Land 's End will eventually be seen as having set an example to the nation .
17 Churchill hoped to make a start towards the reconciliation of these objectives with an already over-burdened economy by making cuts to the defence programme he had inherited from Labour .
18 An inadequate system has been made worse by the Government 's decision that it will no longer accept responsibility for collecting maintenance unless there have been irregular payments .
19 The ‘ flocculus hypothesis ’ is that a small area of the cerebellum , the flocculus , adaptively controls VOR by regulating signal flow from labyrinths to the flocculus to the relay cells of VOR , and has been challenged on several grounds .
20 In some cases , for example the high profile job of a Press Officer or the technically demanding role of Planning Secretary , committee members might want to be sure they are filled by people with the right qualities .
21 Though the unit still has responsibility for keeping ministers informed of developments in the UK oil and gas industry , most of the 86 staff working for OSO now focus on worldwide developments , including opportunities in the former Soviet republics and other areas which were closed markets to British exporters until a few years ago .
22 We soon reach Hungerford and Rob 's bridge which is so low that he usually gets cramp from bending flat on the boat .
23 The Conservative government in Britain in 1990 still gave priority to fighting inflation , which was rising more steeply than in its commercial competitors .
24 The News of the World had developed a distinctively titillating style of reporting rape which was matched only by the arrival of the restructured Sun which began to develop its present style in the early 1970s .
25 My survey revealed that a few people in Sukuma-speaking areas still had difficulty in answering questions in Swahili ; others who understood Swahili nonetheless asked to be interviewed in Sukuma .
26 Professor Patinkin , who was largely responsible for the rigorous formulation of the real-balance effect , has always urged caution in regarding price deflation as an acceptable alternative route for the attainment of full employment .
27 The manufacturer may also experience difficulty in monitoring developments and changes in the overseas market and adapting to these changes in good time .
28 The programme also offers advice on reducing consumption of energy and raw materials .
29 GRAPO also claimed responsibility for placing bombs at the headquarters of the Catalan Socialist Party ( PSC-PSOE ) in Barcelona on Sept. 10 , and at a petrochemical plant near Tarragona on Sept. 9 .
30 The urban Midlands had traditionally had difficulty in filling posts .
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