Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] at [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 It so happened that at that time , apparently unknown to the mother , the father had formed an association with another woman , and , as a result , had become the father of that other woman 's child .
2 Notice how some of the words when repeated are better spoken than at other times , according to the level of passion in the delivery .
3 the likelihood of the damage or of its being severe was due to characteristics of the animal which are not normally found in animals of the same species or are not normally so found except at particular times or in particular circumstances ; and
4 Should a failure occur , audible and visual warning is given and stays operational until the fault has been rectified , thus ensuring that at all times you know your evacuation medium is always ready for action .
5 But , insofar as it argues that the state , notwithstanding its apparent neutrality and the inherent variability of state forms and interventions , still serves the interests of the owners of the means of production , this account still maintains that at all times the state acts to defend capital .
6 The reason why the present government nevertheless eventually sanctioned this book is that it mainly covers the war years , when the secret services were inevitably more widely tolerated than at other times .
7 So they 're going to be the conscience and the parenting for that year group and I also suggested that at that time , I think what Rob 's doing is getting the children to look at themselves er , as regards what their strengths and weaknesses are and the P S D have got to clarify that .
8 It is not easy to judge from the vantage-point of the late twentieth century , for in the second half of this century rural life has been more profoundly transformed than at any time since the invention of agriculture .
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