Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 It proved so effective that Wedgwood 's QC suddenly threw down the gauntlet to those he had continually derided as the ‘ united aesthetes ’ saying , ‘ If you are so sure you can save this building , buy it yourselves for £1 . ’
2 Section 0403 below sets out the procedures to be followed in determining if a client is a corporate finance client .
3 Two of those are being heated by burning blast furnace gas and the third one has the cold air blown through it and the brickwork inside gives up the heat to the er cold air , warms the air and then that 's blown into the blast furnace .
4 And she 'd away back up the way to bed again .
5 If they 're becoming as disabled as you think they are , they wo n't be allowed just to go down the way to the shops will they if the nearest shops are twenty miles down the road !
6 Their gravitational attraction would thus curve up the universe to infinitely small size .
7 His brother Donald had already opened up the route to South Africa with his famous Castle Line and occasionally vessels were transferred to supplement the respective fleets .
8 We 'd only just put down the phone to them .
9 Its arms clutched these objects as they were individually passed up the ladder to its niche : followed by its disembodied head , with a physiognomy very close to that of the photographs of the deceased .
10 The receivers had already paid off the debt to the bank which gave rise to their appointment , but had not paid themselves first , as they were entitled to do under the terms of their appointment ( p 99 ) .
11 The most important conscious attempt to solve the succession problem was made by Leopold Senghor in Senegal , who successfully handed over the presidency to Abdou Diop in 1980 after the re-introduction of a multi-party system in 1977 .
12 Therefore instead of walking all the way along the cliffs that morning , he decided to go down to the beach on the last lap of his journey , knowing that Edna and her small charge could well be at the far end , from whence he could quickly scramble up the pathway to the Tremayne property .
13 I usually walk around the corner to a place nearby , but today I thought it might be worthwhile to eat at a small Chinese restaurant several blocks away where a lot of newspaper guys gather .
14 Meanwhile , Bobby Ferguson yesterday threw down the gauntlet to Sunderland 's Welsh international , Colin Pascoe .
15 KEVIN Keegan yesterday threw down the gauntlet to refreshed Newcastle winger Franz Carr .
16 During the ceremony the main contractors and the architect formally handed over the building to him .
17 Roger Flemington FCIB , took the chair and , at the conclusion of the meeting , formally handed over the Presidency to Sir Jeremy Morse KCMG , FCIB .
18 Erm quite deliberately leave out the reference to keeping the airfield open because we do n't , you do n't yet know the results of the of the consultation with the public .
19 Technical problems usually revolve around the degree to which we can isolate or manipulate a single target system in a consistent and reliable way ( Bures , Buresova , and Huston 1976 ) .
20 Fleury urgently pointed out the sepoy to Ram ; he had left his own rifle inside the hall .
21 I dashed straight back up the road to my own house , rang Paul and told him I 'd definitely have one , and maybe two .
22 ‘ I suppose you also turned down the chance to be his girlfriend ? ’
23 It also opened up the economy to foreign imports in order to increase competition and break up entrenched monopolies [ see pp. 37528 ; 38002 ] .
24 The growth is n't only unsightly , it also clogs up the intake to a water turbine that provides electricity for the mill .
25 Both in terms of er bringing forward more detailed criteria based policies but also determining specifically the areas to which the policy would apply .
26 So before you automatically play back the recordings to the class , ask yourself these questions :
27 It also sets out the term to be granted and the rents payable .
28 The financial strain on the firm can be eased by : ( 1 ) effecting sufficient insurance cover ( see Chapter 5 ) ; ( 2 ) the inclusion of suitable provisions ( Clause 20 ) in the partnership deed clearly setting out the procedures to be adopted for the continuing partners to have the option to purchase the deceased 's share from his estate on an appropriate time scale or providing for an automatic accruer to the surviving partners ; ( 3 ) the inclusion of provisions in the deceased 's will enlarging the discretion of the personal representatives as to the time for realisation of assets in the estate and generally as to arrangements which may be concluded with the continuing partners ; and ( 4 ) where ( which is not unusual ) one of the personal representatives is a continuing partner , the inclusion in the will of specific authority for that partner in his capacity as personal representative and trustee to conclude agreements with the firm .
29 The announcement that some routes in the area , which is visited by over 2,000 climbers a year , are to be equipped for ‘ environmental ’ reasons came in a press release that effectively throws down the gauntlet to the sport 's governing body .
30 The Papingo Trophy was traced to The Royal Company and on 7th June , 1951 , a contingent of Royal Archers paraded through Kilwinning and ceremoniously handed over the trophy to the joint care of the town council and the Ancient Society of Archers .
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