Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] at a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His marriage seemed like the Atlantic Ocean to her , something vast and unknowable which she could not attempt to bridge but only fly over at a terrible speed .
2 That is not Mr Lawson 's fault , of course , but he has to live with the danger that while the world 's capital markets will duly bridge the gap between Britain 's domestic savings and investment , they will only do so at a lower price for sterling .
3 The Labour government , however , argued that it would seem like an act of ‘ sabotage ’ if Britain entered the talks only to walk out at a later date .
4 A typical pattern in psychosomatic illness is for the disease to fluctuate with periods when the symptoms disappear only to return again at a later date .
5 Sue 's just gone past at a hundred miles per hour .
6 She glanced at the road ahead , a road that seemed to just shoot upwards at a terrifying angle .
7 Still hurrying along at a hundred miles an hour he leaned over towards me and lowered his voice .
8 ANGRY Aston Villa boss Ron Atkinson yesterday hit out at a Premier League fixture glut that threatens to rebound on England .
9 At 52 years of age , he still competes regularly at a representative level , up to national standard , putting in creditable performances .
10 He also stocked up at a local health shop with various things he could nibble discreetly en route .
11 ‘ Witty , satirical , sketch-like poems on society which also hit hard at a few home truths …
12 RANGERS ' second match in the ‘ mini-league ’ European Cup stages , against CSKA Moscow , is to be switched from Santander , Spain , and will probably go ahead at a German venue to another venue , probably in Germany , on December 9 .
13 Now , the fearful buy their guns from guys like John , who has his own shop and also helps out at a suburban shooting school , the Academy of Marksmanship …
14 She recalled that as a young girl she 'd often sucked slowly at a big lollipop to see how long she could make it last .
15 The horse had gradually slowed as it tired , until the animal now moved forward at a resigned walk .
16 We must constantly compare the copy with the reality shown to us by experienced paddlers and not simply look hard at a wide selection of paddlers and not simply look at our own friends and colleagues who may have been influenced by the same paddle strokes that we are studying ourselves .
17 Leicester , removed from the Pilkington Cup on Saturday , bravely chipped away at a 15-9 lead throughout the second half and , with an hour gone , led by a point ( 16-15 ) .
18 If a volume is rejected the formatted modules will not be saved , however all modules contained in rejected volumes will be hard copied again at a later date but they will be the last to be considered for hard copying during the HC FORMATTER 's next run .
19 She extracted him determinedly and set him down on his feet , whereupon he wobbled perilously backwards and forwards , then set off at a tremendous pace across the courtyard , with his mother following , calling apologies back to Caroline as she disappeared from view .
20 The clamped end of the system is then vibrated laterally at a given frequency v and the amplitude of the vibration induced at the free end of the sample is recorded .
21 I myself found at the entrance of one of them a small neatly-worked tomahawk , of an inch and a half in length , together with some slips of blue cotton rags , which the birds had doubtless picked up at a deserted encampment of the natives . ’
22 U/V light is potentially damaging to the eyes , and you should never look directly at a lit-up tube .
23 Or , or other benefits that would actually kick in at a certain point , er , of death , I mean obviously this would actually help at erm , diagnosis , and you 're writing into this , sort of to cover all of the things that we 're talking about , and they get that , and then they continue to live , the rest of your plans are all then thrown out are n't they , because you 've got all those things that you 've put into place for death , sorted out in the years before .
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